
Cosmic Assault is our version of the famous arcade game, "space invaders", that we have made as the final semester project for the course of Object Oriented Programming in the second semester of our bachelor's degree in software engineering.

Primary LanguageC++

Cosmic Assault

Cosmic Assault is our version of the famous arcade game, "space invaders", that we have made as the final semester project for the course of Object Oriented Programming in the second semester of our bachelor's degree in software endineering. The game is built in C++ using sfml library for GUI with implementation and usecases for all major concepts of OOP, i.e., multi-level inheritance, polymorphism, encapsulation and composition.


Cosmic Assault is an action-packed space shooter game. In this game, you'll navigate your spacecraft through the cosmos while battling formations enemy ships of different kinds and a fearsome boss battle at the end. Your objective is to kill all the enemy formations before they pass through and survive the big boss battle without letting them exhaust your spacecraft's health first.


  • mouse to click on menu buttons
  • Arrow Keys to maneuver your spacecraft
  • spacebar to fire at the enemy!


  1. clone the repository using:
git clone https://github.com/Fayyez/Cosmic-Assault
  1. install SFML libraries v2.6.0 (unless you have them already installed on your system). Visit this link to download the dependencies.
  2. link the SFML files and configure the project in the IDE of your choice. Some useful links for running on visual studio are:


We welcome contributions from the open-source community to make Cosmic Assault even better. If you'd like to contribute, please follow these guidelines:

  • Fork the repository.
  • Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix.
  • Make your changes and commit them with descriptive messages.
  • Push your branch to your fork and submit a pull request.


Cosmic Assault is open-source software released under the MIT License.