- 3
FileNotFoundException on 2.10.4 while starting two apps using the same dependency in the same ide from time to time
#584 opened by pseudo555 - 18
- 1
Code stop after i try to getCommPorts()
#576 opened by ElPountie - 1
#569 opened by WanManito - 0
Code Signing
#583 opened by C4J - 0
Calling flushIOBuffers() May cause data loss.
#582 opened by brianmichalk1 - 2
Trouble opening comport on Linux
#581 opened by omanthey - 0
- 0
Non-standard baud rate support issue in jSerialComm versions newer than 2.9.3 on Raspberry Pi OS Lite 64-bit
#579 opened by SamLX - 1
- 0
Reconnection Issue
#577 opened by yorodm - 1
- 0
Notarization failed due to binary not being signed.
#574 opened by devantech - 3
- 0
Flow control or write-throttling
#573 opened by jskubick - 0
jSerialcomm does not find all serial ports
#571 opened by Spookyguy - 2
How can I see if a COM port is available?
#570 opened by sblantipodi - 2
- 6
Stopped working after 2.9.3, no data can be read
#539 opened by lolhol - 4
- 3
Random crash after a long time running in Linux
#542 opened by tohyf - 0
- 3
- 2
- 2
Is jSerialComm support JDK17 or JDK21?
#566 opened by FangYang970206 - 0
- 1
readBytes always empty byte-array
#565 opened by Bizarrus - 1
Where can I find a freelancer for my project?
#554 opened by gainer-twister - 2
Can not do "getCommPorts" on version 2.11.0
#563 opened by andrewoficial - 0
Raspberry Pi -> USB Serial -> D1 mini (ESP8266) setting baud rate to 74880 does not work.
#561 opened by thorsten-l - 0
[Re-opened] Random errors when opening ports.
#560 opened by Lyrei-cm - 2
Random errors when opening ports
#538 opened by Lyrei-cm - 8
2.10 quits on windows, works on linux
#558 opened by MarkJeronimus - 1
Cancel transmission
#557 opened by LuisLozano - 1
What does lastErrorCode 2 at lastErrorLocation 745 on version 2.10.4 mean?
#553 opened by ProphetZero - 2
Linux data reading issue
#541 opened by ZhiQiangCoding - 2
SerialPort: isAndroid is always false
#556 opened by vikz95 - 4
Request: automatically delete the temp flibrary file/directory when an application is closing
#540 opened by HagiBlickle - 9
- 3
Write throughput measurement ideas
#545 opened by NorbertSandor - 2
- 4
support of "rfcomm" has been lost after #484 fix
#547 opened by zalexua - 5
does setDTR() make actual DTR pin LOW or HIGH?
#546 opened by jskubick - 2
port in use? port owner?
#544 opened by mvalla - 4
Getting LISTENING_EVENT_DATA_WRITTEN sometime after having writeBytes() returning 0
#536 opened by EmbGangsta - 6
#535 opened by Tharrington86 - 4 returns SerialPortTimeoutException instead of -1 when end of stream is reached
#534 opened by mvalla - 1
Problem when a listener event
#551 opened by LMS5413 - 1
- 1