Ionic Space Shooter
80's arcade game build with Ionic Framework
This personal project is currently under development
Testing build Gaming Hybrid Application using HTML5 Canvas API + Ionic Framework with ngrx @store/effects to manage game state and Electron Framework to provide full multi platform application (iOS/Android platform + Web Browser platform + Desktop platform).
- NVM - Download & Install Node Version Manage
- NodeJS 7 - Download & Install Node.js and the npm package manager with NVM
$ nvm install node 7
. - Typescript Latest stable version install in Global
$ npm install -g typescript
- Ionic 3 & Cordova - Latest stable version install in Global
$ npm install -g ionic cordova
- Electron Latest stable version install in Global
$ npm install electron -g
- Good knowledge of AngularFire2
- Good knowledge of Reactive Programming with ngRx and ngRx/store + ngRx/effects
- Redux DevTools Extension - Install Plugin for Chrome - Debugging application's state changes & provides power-ups for your Redux development workflow.
- And you should also have git installed to a better working flow.
Quick start
- run nvm & node with
$ nvm use 7
&$ npm install
- add your own FB_CONFIG in a simple file to initialize your Firebase config into
- run app with
$ ionic serve
- add platform with
$ ionic cordova platform add ios||browser
- build platform with
$ ionic cordova build ios||browser
- deploy browser platform with Firebase Hosting by runing
$ firebase deploy
- build desktop version with
$ npm run electron:build
Have todo
- add all action into static proprety: src/store/actions/mainActions.ts
- check if user is log.. and propose signin if not: src/pages/play/play.ts
- display confirmation score save: src/pages/play/play.ts
- save player setting, level & score: src/pages/play/play.ts
- remove static img load and use Store datas
- refactoring manageCollision.ts as an Angular Component
- refactoring detectCollision.ts as an Angular Component
- refactoring quadtree.ts as an Angular Component
- create/add app icon, splashscreen
- add electron.js
- add auto-updating with electron-builder
Have tofix
- Fix bug: Failed to execute 'drawImage' on 'CanvasRenderingContext2D': The provided value is not of type '(CSSImageValue or HTMLImageElement or SVGImageElement or HTMLVideoElement or HTMLCanvasElement or ImageBitmap or OffscreenCanvas)' on file
- Fix bug with ionic cache update not working. (PWA).. more...
- Fix bug with serviceWorker update not working. (PWA).. more...
- Fix bug with IOS. audio not playing.. : src/pages/play/play.ts
$ ionic cordova build browser --prod
currently not working
About author
Hi, i'm a Front-end developper living in Geneva Switzerland and i build hybrid mobile & web applications for almost 15 years. You can follow me on Twitter @FazioNico or checkout my own website