
Primary LanguageTypeScript

Pokemon GAI

Pokemon GAI is a Web-based application based on generative artificial intelligence technology, specially designed to generate Pokémon for players. Users can generate information about the Pokémon such as attributes, names, and values, including attack, defense, and health. Each generated Pokémon will have a unique NFT token.

  • Login and Registration Function: AI Web App Generator requires users to log in or register to use all the features. Image Storage and Personal Cloud Space Function: Pokemon GAI provides a personal cloud space, which includes the user's personal profile, level, and number of Pokémon. The Pokémon warehouse can be either public or private.

  • Friends and Contacts Function: Pokemon GAI allows users to battle with friends. Users can add friends and save them to their contacts.

  • Sharing Function: Pokemon GAI provides multiple sharing methods, including Twich, Telegram, Facebook, Instagram, WeChat, etc.

In general, Pokemon GAI is a feature-rich Web-based application that brings players a variety of experiences, including generating Pokémon, image storage, battling with friends, sharing, etc.

System Architecture


create conda env

conda create -n pokemon python==3.9.12

activate conda env

conda activate pokemon

install python requirements

pip install -r requirements.txt

init pre-commit

pre-commit install

install js modules

cd frontend
yarn install

config your huggingface sapce

you can Duplicate this huggingaface Space: https://huggingface.co/spaces/Fazzie/PokemonGAI


you must modified the .env to make your own config

  • OPENAI_API_KEY: your openai api key
  • STABILITY_API_KEY: your stability api key
  • HF_TOKEN: your huggingface token
  • SPACE: your huggingface space, example: https://fazzie-pokemongai.hf.space/run/predict
  • SPACE_3D: your huggingface 3D space, example: https://fazzie-pokemongai.hf.space/run/predict
  • MODEL: your huggingface model
  • MODEL_3D: your huggingface 3D model
  • FRONTEND_PORT: default 3000
  • BACKEND_PORT: default 8000
  • CHAT_PORT: default 7680
  • BATTLE_PORT: default 7681


Run backend and frontend only

python start.py

run with chat and battle

python start.py --chat --battle

run frontend only

python start.py --frontend_only

run backend only

python start.py --backend_only

run chat only

python start.py --chat_only

run battle only

python start.py --battle_only

use docker

build docker

docker build -t pokemon:0.0.1  .

docker run

docker run -it --rm \
    ubuntu:18.04 \