
This Repository contains all data, associated with the "SG-Feinstaubboxen" project.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


🇩🇪 © F.Bisinger 2020 Logo

    • Arduino Script
    • Python Script
    • Python App Mac OS X
    • Python App WINDOWS
    • PCB layout
    • Circuit layout

1. Arduino Script

The Arduino Script was successfully compiled for Arduino NANO (ATmega328) Arduino

2. Python Script

Console based Python script, developped and executable in Python 2.7.10

3. Python App Mac OS X

Mac OS X App, compiled with pyInstaller for macOS, based on the console version. This version of the App has a built in graphical user interface. Currently no further updates! => use WINDOWS version! macOS

4. Python App WINDOWS

WINDOWS App for Feinstaubboxen => Download App at tab "releases", "Feinstaubboxen-Installer.exe" WINDOWS WINDOWS



5. PCB layout

PCB layout designed with EasyEDA => Latest Gerber files in folder "pcb/gerber" PCB PCB

6. Circuit layout

Latest Schematic: "pcb/schematic/Schematic_Feinstaubboxen_Arduino_Nano.pdf" Circuit