
My client configs for my initial front end projects

Primary LanguageShell


My client configs for my initial front end projects

Pre conditions

vue cli, npm, git installed

How to create a new project

You need to run the following command wherever you want to initialize your project

$ sh create-client-project.sh [project-name]

Heroku - Gitlab configuration


Set two env vars in the CI/CD settings (more info about variables in gitlab https://gitlab.com/help/ci/variables/README#variables)

  • HEROKU_APP - name of the created heroku app eg sos-patita-pwa
  • HEROKU_CI_API_KEY - api key of the heroku user (search in heroku user settings)


Create the project with default options, the project will search for a npm start script, so is important to have this one set.

Set the following in your package.json scripts:

"start": "node index.js"


Agregar code and files que se necesitan al inicio del project Check programas necesarios instalados