
Run the project

You should have node with at least v12 in your machine and then run

$ npm setup

Then you can access the app by go to http://localhost:3000


My first solution to the problem would not be an app that needs internet to works since all the information is on the track it can be detected in realtime.


The client should have a device with a full internet connection around the trip with a lot of data. Not realtime, one minute to update is ok and the business is not damaged because of this.


The app is separated in a frontend using vue and a backend using node with express The frontend is set up with a minimal webpack config just to use the component as a page without using any external tool. Then we have an index.html which is the file that will be sent from the server and an src folder where I use the following structure:

  • src
    • components (components files that will be used from the pages)
    • pages (every page, usually one per route defined in vue router)
    • store
      • modules main.js (entry point of the application)

And the backend has an entry point index.js and then the following structure:

  • module
    • handlers
    • models
    • services
    • tests router.js

The idea of the handler function in the handlers files is to have almost always the same pattern:

  1. Validate the request and stuffs needed for you logic
  2. Do wherever you need to get the data for the response
  3. Format your data for the response
  4. Send response
  • In case any error is thrown they are catched and handled in the response error part

I'm using the "sut way" which in a nutshell every test described has a function sut which calls to the real function (or action that you are testing) with parameters defined before, so in each test you only change those parameters (the preconditions) so every test is more clear and if you change your signature then you only need to change your tests in one place.

I think there is a bunch of other benefits, for example when you are creating integration tests that need data created in your database you can have your objects at the beginning and in your sut save that data so you only change your object before calling the sut function, also that data is deleted and created for every test, so each test is completely separated from the other one.

Next iterations

App notifications From the technical side, we can add a lot of things that could be useful for the developer and for the end-user.

  • Separate backend and frontend in different repos. One big benefit of this is that you can deploy each separated from the other one, so for example if you have to fix a bug in your logic there is no need to deploy the frontend too.
  • Frontend can be generated and deployed in a cdn based on the city where the customer uses the app most of the time. The app should be run a lot faster (the idea behind all of this is the JAMStack).
  • Add centralized logger, useful for debugging in production
  • Create the frontend with vue cli using the benefits from it, add router and store management
  • Once the frontend design is accepted add tests. I think add tests for your components very upfront is a bit complicated to maintain, because at the beginning of the project there are a lot of changes regarding the ui. That's why I think all your frontend logic should be in some store module, so you can test that functions with unit test as it "normal node code"
  • Add docker so every developer develops in the same environment with minimal configuration
  • Add swagger to document the api and validate