Autoplugin for PSVITA This tool allows you to install/uninstall the following plugins with one click
- Update plugins Online
- Update Languages Online
- Now you can check yhe readme file online for most of the included plugins
- Download/Install ITLS-Enso and Battery fixer (vpk)
- Set a Custom Image (Custom Boot Splash is required)
- Set a Custom Warning Message (Custom Warning is required)
- Set Level Transparent (Transparent Impose is required)
To load a custom image at boot, the image must be in png format sized to 960X544 named splash.png and it must be placed in the path ux0:CustomBootsplash/splash.png You no longer need to add the line: "- load ur0: tai / custom_boot_splash.skprx"
Download the font.pgf file(here ) and insert it in the path ux0:data/Autoplugin2/font (Remember if the font folder does not exist you have to create it) This fixes missing non-standard characters, not found at english charset. Those will show as "_" instead of the unusual letter.
- Added Catherine Full Body HD 1280x720 (Vita Plugins).
- If you don't want to have background music, delete bg.mp3 file from ux0: data/autoplugin2/bg
- Background music controls: Right analog up/down for volume up/down and left/right for stop/play
- Update ds4touch by MERLev v1.1.3
- Update GE Patch plugin by TheOfficialFloW v0.2
- Add Background Music (put your bg.mp3 in ux0:data/Autoplugin2/bg/bg.mp3)
- Add VolLightbarCtrlWithDS4 by CallmeBK v1.1
- Add LCD Colour Space Changer by cuevavirus 1.1.0
- Update ds4touch by MERLev v1.1.2
- Update TrophyShot v1.1.1 by FMudanyali
- Update GE Patch plugin by TheOfficialFloW v0.19
Size must be less than 20MB
- Update GE Patch plugin by TheOfficialFloW v0.18.1
- Update GTA Native Resolution Patch by TheOfficialFloW v0.3
- Update BetterTrackPlug by fmudanyali v1.0.3.1
- Update udcd_uvc by xerpi v1.7
- Update ds4touch by MERLev v1.1.1
- Add new function PSP Plugin Manager
- Added Ge patch plugin from TheOfficialFloW in PSP plugins for Adrenaline section
- Added plugins from CBPS: QuickMenu Plus
- Update Sysident v1.1
- Added ds4touch from MERLev
- Added the new option Configuration for QuicMenu Plus to Extras section
- Fix Updater Plugins Online
- Added missing plugin CoreUnlocker80000H by GrapheneCt
- Added MiniVitaTV by TheOfficialFloW beta 0.4
- Added more plugins from CBPS: EmergencyMount, MAFUinput, TrophyShot, BootSound, ScoreHax, Sysident, DePlayEnabler.
- Added Persona 4 Golden HD plugin (Vita Plugins).
- Fix VitaGrafix PatchList.
- Minnor fix sharpscale install.
- Lib tai updated.
- Reimplemented the new tai library in all parts of the application.
- Re-implemented plugin manager.
- Added support to update plugins of PSP.
- Now the plugins will be installed in ur0 only.
- If you have a config.txt in some other partition, this will be unified with ur0.
- If you have a config.txt with any fault, such as an error of lowercase and capital letters or lack of parts of the system or absence of it, it will be repaired / written.
- Added support to install extra applications that require some plugins
- Fix missing string in Chinese and Turkish Systems
- Update Russian by Yoti
- Update Italian by TheHeroGAC
- Update Chinese by yexun1995
- Chinese font download path error fixed
- New option to switch between custom fonts
- Fix missing config.txt for pkgj (no folder found) and removed line for PSM Games
- New Languages:
Yoti/Aleksandr112 for translation in Russian
Chronoss09 for translation in French
Schn1ek3 for translation in German - Update Spanish by gvaldebenit
- Update English by Gadgetoid
Thank you
Team OneLua
HAM for new resources
Princess of sleeping
- (NanospeedGamer).
- (HAM).
- (BaltazaR4).
- HAM/NanospeedGamer/gvaldebenit for translation in Spanish
- Kouchan for translation in Japanese
- yexun1995 for translation in Chinese
- theheroGAC for translation in Italian
- Chronoss09 for translation in French
- Schn1ek3 for translation in German
- allanaln2009 for translation in Portuguese (PT-BR)
In case you want to support the work of the team on the vita, you can always donate for some coffee. Any amount is highly appreciated: