- 0
- 0
Come up problems in Running Text Classification model with No module named transformers
#36 opened by QIJIAHAO-6 - 1
Hanging after last round of training
#23 opened by bangawayoo - 0
- 1
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 1
#32 opened by ysgncss - 2
- 1
when running “sh” error: argument --client_num_per_round: expected one argument
#34 opened by hdmimang - 0
#31 opened by ysgncss - 5
- 2
how to change the number of client
#25 opened by haohaoer - 1
- 7
- 20
[IMPORTANT]Client Sampling Frozen
#28 opened by zjc664656505 - 0
Could you support knowledge distillation-based FL algorithms like FedED, Fedmd, or FedDF
#26 opened by Barry-Menglong-Yao - 1
- 1
Windows 10 support
#18 opened by shubham-malaviya - 1
About large model
#22 opened by xiang-xiang-zhu - 0
lstm experiment data loader files missing
#21 opened by Grancis - 2
No such file or directory: 'cache_dir/distilbert_distilbert-base-uncased_cached_256_ClassificationModel_20news_niid_label_clients=100_alpha=5.0_-1'
#16 opened by ayanflow - 12
No dataloader in data_preprocessing
#13 opened by ziqi-zhang - 2
Data Parallelism (DP) during training does not meet expectation (only 3 processes are working, should be FOUR), I will optimize it after ICML deadline.
#6 opened by chaoyanghe - 2
- 0
- 0
change FL dataset file name to "--data_file data/data_loaders/${DATA_NAME}_data.pkl"
#2 opened by chaoyanghe - 4
Too many unused configuration/functionalities in the model trainer class (e.g., model/fed_transformers/classification/
#3 opened by chaoyanghe - 27
(Distributed Data Loader)The data loading time for sentment140 is too long. I waited for more than half an hour.
#4 opened by chaoyanghe - 2
- 5
[SQuAD] crashed when doing official evaluation
#11 opened by chaoyanghe - 1
Refactor Model class to Trainer class
#8 opened by chaoyanghe - 1
- 1
Pretraining v.s. Fine-tuning
#7 opened by chaoyanghe