
Global game jam 2019 - What does home mean to you? Housing reroll

Primary LanguageC#

Housing reroll

An acronym based game for Global Game jam 2019

Play webGL version at http://shawn.featherly.net/ggj2019

Ggj2019 page https://globalgamejam.org/2019/games/housing-reroll

Credits: pixel font generated with https://www.pentacom.jp/pentacom/bitfontmaker2/ 2d Platformer controller - also using sample art from this asset https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/templates/2d-platformer-controller... pixel art inspiration - https://i.pinimg.com/originals/53/c8/0c/53c80c963adafa5d78a84d52f58b91cd... Shawn's family members - sounds effects Shawn Featherly - some pixel art, coding, design, management