I am a front end developer that like writing code and resolve riddles 💻
Key Partner DigitalRome, Italy
Pinned Repositories
Mini project that I realized in the week between the first and the second module of my Angular course: It is a webpage that contains a series of posts, with different ways to find the posts and a form for adding a new one.
Small project with Angular and Bootstrap: Contact-page of a random website with a form to send a message and all the contact informations.
My first personal project that I have made during the first month of my front end developer course: I have taken inspiration from a demo on this website: https://html5up.net/ and I recreate a responsive single-page website with different mediaQueries for the different screens sizes. I have added also a special settings for the printing mode.
A "stop and code" from my Javascript course: "find the bomb" games, where i have added few design features. I have used this mini-games to do some practice with functions.
My personal repository
The first "stop & code" I did in my Javascript beginner course. You against CPU, the winner is who picked the highest card. I design the CSS to imitate a classic casino table and I have use a function to draw random numbers at every click. The picture inside the "img" folder it shown how the game should appear.
My first Stop & Code of my NodeJs, Express and MongoDB course, I have made a web server that it has few methods to update the queue, remove one person, shuffle the list,add a person and close the queue.
The first project that I have done during half of my course at Labfortraining, using HTML, CSS and Javascript to built a fake shoes e-commerce. I made a homepage, a page for the single pair, the chart where I can see the models selected and the form for the payment and shipment. My score for this project was 30/30.
The project I have made in the NGGirl workshop (26/06/24), as part of NGRome 2024. Thank to the support of Ester, my mentor, I have made a To-do Lists. here is the tutorial: https://github.com/ng-girls/todo-list-tutorial
A personal project based on the flip coin game. I have done it during the time I was studying HTML, CSS and Javascript. I have share few photos about how it should appear on the screen inside the folder "immaginiSchermata". You can also find a mini video here: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7213908249257922560/
Federica-Chiantini's Repositories
Mini project that I realized in the week between the first and the second module of my Angular course: It is a webpage that contains a series of posts, with different ways to find the posts and a form for adding a new one.
Small project with Angular and Bootstrap: Contact-page of a random website with a form to send a message and all the contact informations.
My first personal project that I have made during the first month of my front end developer course: I have taken inspiration from a demo on this website: https://html5up.net/ and I recreate a responsive single-page website with different mediaQueries for the different screens sizes. I have added also a special settings for the printing mode.
A "stop and code" from my Javascript course: "find the bomb" games, where i have added few design features. I have used this mini-games to do some practice with functions.
My personal repository
The first "stop & code" I did in my Javascript beginner course. You against CPU, the winner is who picked the highest card. I design the CSS to imitate a classic casino table and I have use a function to draw random numbers at every click. The picture inside the "img" folder it shown how the game should appear.
My first Stop & Code of my NodeJs, Express and MongoDB course, I have made a web server that it has few methods to update the queue, remove one person, shuffle the list,add a person and close the queue.
A "stop and code"from my Javascript advanced course: making a ajax call to show a certain numbers of song from the artist you digit inside the input bar. I have extended the requested tasks with a nice design and the addiction of choose the number of the song you would like to find, clicking on the button to see the the next songs.
Boilerplate repository aimed at helping developers kickstart automated testing projects using Playwright.
The first project that I have done during half of my course at Labfortraining, using HTML, CSS and Javascript to built a fake shoes e-commerce. I made a homepage, a page for the single pair, the chart where I can see the models selected and the form for the payment and shipment. My score for this project was 30/30.
The project I have made in the NGGirl workshop (26/06/24), as part of NGRome 2024. Thank to the support of Ester, my mentor, I have made a To-do Lists. here is the tutorial: https://github.com/ng-girls/todo-list-tutorial
My first "Stop & Code" in my Angular beginner course: using the data from a local file, I have realized a template of cards where I have added the objects. I assigned a background color green for the cards with the "Type: invoice" , and for the "Type: withdrawal" a gray background color. All of the amounts over $700 are highlighted in yellow.
A personal project based on the flip coin game. I have done it during the time I was studying HTML, CSS and Javascript. I have share few photos about how it should appear on the screen inside the folder "immaginiSchermata". You can also find a mini video here: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7213908249257922560/
The last project that I have done during my Front End Development course: make a shoes e-commerce, built it with Angular, Bootstrap and NGPrime. My score for this project was 30/30.
My second "Stop & Code" in my Angular beginner course: create a single page with a list of posts with a button to add them at the favourite section. Additional task: create a navbar to filter the list by their categories.
My third "Stop & Code" in my Angular beginner course: using the routing to create different pages with photoalbums and Ajax to insert the datas inside both of the pages
My internal server that I use for some project
The BE I have been using for my project "progettoLabAir".
The last "stop & code" I have done in my web responsive course: made a responsive single-page website. I have used this mini project to do some practice with the preprocessor SASS and with the CSS Sprite.
My first "Stop & Code" in my Angular Advanced course: create an address book where i can add, modify and delete a single contact, using a reactive form to manage their details. The contact list is saved inside an internal server and updated at every single change.
My second "Stop & Code" in my Angular advanced course: realize a web app from a catalogue of movies/tv series where you can search them by title. Create a secondary page to show the details for the series you have selected.