We introduce End2You the Imperial toolkit for multimodal profiling. This repository provides easy-to-use scripts to train and evaluate either uni-modal or multi-modal models in an end-to-end manner for either regression or classification output. The input to the model can be one of the following:
- Visual Information : Face of a subject
- Speech Information : Speech waveform
- Audio-Visual Information : Face and speech of a subject
We use a ResNet with 50 layers to extract features from the visual information, while from the speech a 2-layer Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) is used. For the multimodal cases, we introduce a fully connected layer to map the features extracted from the different modalities to the same space. Afterwards, we have a 2-layer recurrent neural network and more particularly we utilise a Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) to take into account the contextual information in the data.
If you are using this toolkit please cite:
Tzirakis, P.,Zafeiriou, S., & Schuller, B. (2017). End2You -- The Imperial Toolkit for Multimodal Profiling by End-to-End Learning. arXiv preprint arXiv:1802.01115.
Below are listed the required modules to run the code.
- Python >= 3.4
- NumPy >= 1.11.1
- TensorFlow >= 1.4 (see
section for installing this module) - MoviePy >=
- liac-arff >= 2.0
- sklearn >= 0.19
We provide a pretrained model of the ResNet-50 here: https://www.doc.ic.ac.uk/~pt511/pretrain_model/model.ckpt-33604.zip
The model was trained on a non-publicly dataset from the RealEyes Company. Some statistics of the dataset can be found below:
Attribute | Value |
# Videos | 4,973 |
# Frames | 1,059,505 |
# Subjects | 2,616 |
Age variation | [18-69] |
# Emotions | 8 |
# Annotators | 7 |
We highly recommended to use conda as your Python distribution. Once downloading and installing conda, this project can be installed by:
Step 1: Create a new conda environment and activate it:
$ conda create -n end2you python=3.5
$ source activate end2you
Step 2: Install TensorFlow v.1.4 following the official installation instructions. For example, for 64-bit Linux, the installation of GPU enabled, Python 3.5 TensorFlow involves:
(end2you)$ export TF_BINARY_URL=https://storage.googleapis.com/tensorflow/linux/gpu/tensorflow_gpu-1.4.0-cp35-cp35m-linux_x86_64.whl
(end2you)$ pip install --upgrade $TF_BINARY_URL
Step 3: Clone and install the end2you
project as:
(end2you)$ git clone git@github.com:end2you/end2you.git
To run End2You, certain number of flags needs to be set. These are the following.
Flag | Description | Values | Default |
--tfrecords_folder | The directory of the tfrecords files. | string | - |
--input_type | Which model to consider. | audio, video, or both | - |
--task | The task of the experiment. | classification regression |
classification |
--num_classes | Only when task is classification. | int | 3 |
--batch_size | The batch size to use. | int | 2 |
--delimiter | The delimiter to use to read the files. | string | \t |
--hidden_units | The number of hidden units in the RNN. | int | 128 |
--num_rnn_layers | The number of layers in the RNN model. | int | 2 |
--seq_length | The sequence length to introduce to the RNN. If set to 0 indicates the whole raw file has a single label |
int | 150 |
generate train evaluate test |
What functionality to perform. | string | - |
First, we need to convert the raw input data (audio, visual) in a format more suitable for
TensorFlow using TF Records. Both unimodal and multimodal inputs can be converted.
To do so the user needs to provide a csv file that contains the full path of the raw data (e.g. .wav) and the label file for the data (default delimiter \t
). The file needs to have the header "file;label". The label
can be a file or a scalar. The scalar indicates that the whole file has a single label, while the file indicates that the raw data are split into segments with different labels.
CSV File example - data_file.csv
The label file should contain a column with the timestep and the later columns with the label(s) of the timestep. The delimiter of this file should be the same as the delimiter of the data_file.csv
Label File example - file1.csv
To create the tfrecords you need to specify the flag to be generate
. An example is depicted below.
Creating tf records
(end2you)$ python main.py --tfrecords_folder=/where/to/save/tfrecords \
generate \
--data_file=data_file.csv \
By default the tfrecords
will be generated in a folder called tf_records
contains the converted files of the data_file
. To generate unimodal or multimodal input the --input_type
need to be defined one of the following: audio
, video
or audiovisual
. This operation takes one additional flag.
Flag | Description | Values | Default |
--data_file | The path to the data file. | string | - |
To start training the model the train
flag needs to be set. Two different training processes can start:
- Train only. This process will run for a user-defined number of epochs and performs only training. To evaluate a validation set you need to run separatelly the
process. - Train and evaluate model. The evaluation of the model is performed after each epoch, where also the model is saved in the
folder. Furthermore, the 5 best models are saved in the--train_dir/top_k_models
along with the performance in the evaluation set in a file namedmodels_performance.txt
To start the second training process the --tfrecords_eval_folder
flag needs to defined.
Both processes save logs and models. The training flags that can be defined are shown below.
Flag | Description | Values | Default |
--train_dir | Directory where to write checkpoints and event logs. | string | ckpt/train |
--initial_learning_rate | Initial learning rate. | float | 0.0001 |
--loss | Which loss is going to be used: Concordance Correlation Coefficient ('ccc') Mean Squared Error ('mse') Softmax Cross Entropy ('sce') Cross Entropy With Logits ('cewl') |
ccc, mse, sce, cewl | cewl |
--pretrained_model_checkpoint_path | If specified, restore this pretrained model before beginning any training. | string | - |
--num_epochs | The number of epochs to run training. | int | 50 |
--seq_length | The sequence length to introduce to the RNN. If set to 0 indicates the whole raw file has a single label |
int | 150 |
--batch_size | The batch size to use. | int | 2 |
--tfrecords_folder | The directory of the tfrecords files. | string | - |
--tfrecords_eval_folder | If specified, after each epoch evaluation of the model is performed during training. | string | - |
--noise | Only for --input_type=audio. The random gaussian noise to introduce to the signal. | float | - |
(end2you)$ python main.py --tfrecords_folder=path/to/tfrecords \
--input_type=audio \
train \
--train_dir=ckpt/train \
This evaluation should start when the --tfrecords_eval_folder
flag is not set in the training.
To start the evaluation of the model the parameter to be defined is evaluate
. This script automatically evaluates a new model that is saved in the folder specified by the --train_dir
, and it runs until the user manually stops it. The evaluation of the model is performed on the tfrecords files specified by the flag --tfrecords_folder
. In addition, it is good practice to set the --log_dir
flag to be saved in the same folder as in the train one. For example, if --train_dir=ckpt/train
(set when executing the training script), then you can set --log_dir=ckpt/log
(set when the evaluation script is executed).
If a flag is not specified in the execution command it will be initialised with the default value.
The following list of arguments can be used for evaluation.
Flag | Description | Values | Default |
--train_dir | Directory where to write checkpoints and event logs. | string | ckpt/train |
--log_dir | Directory where to write event logs. | float | 0.0001 |
--metric | Which metric to use for evaluation. One of: Concordance Correlation Coefficient (ccc) Mean Squared Error (mse) Unweighted Average Recall (uar) |
ccc, mse, uar | 'uar' |
--eval_interval_secs | How often to run the evaluation (in sec). | int | 300 |
(end2you)$ python main.py --tfrecords_folder=path/to/tfrecords \
--input_type=audio \
evaluate \
--train_dir=ckpt/train \
TensorBoard: You can simultaneously run the training and validation. The results can be observed through TensorBoard. Simply run:
(end2you)$ tensorboard --logdir=ckpt
This makes it easy to explore the graph, data, loss evolution and performance on the validation set.
Currenntly only for raw audio files can be used. It will be extended for visual and audiovisual data.
This process finds the predictions of a model on raw data files and saves them to disk.
To begin with, a file with the path to these files needs to be created, with the header to contain the text file
. An example is shown below.
CSV File example - test_file.csv
Then the following flags needs to be defined.
Flag | Description | Values | Default |
--data_file | The path of the test file. | string | - |
--model_path | The model to test. | string | - |
--prediction_file | The file to write predictions (in csv format) | string | predicitons.csv |
Get predictions - Example
python main.py --input_type=audio \
--seq_length=0 \
--task=classification \
--num_classes=3 \
This tutorial provides examples to use the end2you toolkit. More particularly, you will learn:
- Start training and evaluation of a uni-modal model.
In this example we will learn to train and evaluate a model using only the visual information of the data. To use the speech modality the --model
flag needs to be set to audio
To start training the model the main.py
script needs to be executed with the flag --option=train
. An example is shown below.
Example - start training
(end2you)$ python main.py --tfrecords_folder=path/to/tfrecords \
--batch_size=2 \
train \
--train_dir=ckpt/train \
To start evaluation of the model the main.py
script needs to be executed with the flag --option=evaluate
. Important flags are the following:
- train_dir : where the training script is saving the checkpoints.
- log_dir : the directory to save the log files.
- portion : the portion (train, valid, test) to use to evaluate the model.
- num_examples : number of examples in the PORTION set.
You need also to be certain that the flags to create the model, like --num_gru_modules
and --hidden_units
, to be the same as in the training script.
Example - start evaluation
(end2you)$ python main.py --tfrecords_folder=path/to/tfrecords \
--batch_size=1 \
--input_type=video \
evaluate \
--train_dir=ckpt/train \
--log_dir=ckpt/log \
If a flag is not specified, the default value is used.
If we want to start the training from a pre-trained model, like the one provided, we need to set the flag pretrained_model_checkpoint_path
. For example, start training from a pre-trained video model.
Example - start training using pre-trained model
(end2you)$ python main.py --tfrecords_folder=path/to/tfrecords \
--input_type=audio \
--batch_size=2 \
--seq_length=150 \
--train_dir=ckpt/train \