
This repository exemplifies some work I have done regarding API usage and data extraction for several projects in the past.

Primary LanguagePython

API Extractions

This repository exemplifies some work I have done regarding API usage and data extraction for several projects in the past.


The iexcloud_data folder contains a script that calls the IEXCloud API to fetch real-time OHLC data for a set of pre-defined tickers.


The eod_data folder contains codes that extract adjusted end-of-day prices for a set of tickers. This data is then manipulated into a desirable format, uploaded to an S3 AWS bucket, and sent via e-mail.


The dof folder contains a class that extracts the data from Mexico's Official Journal of the Federation by using their public API. The code extracts, for a given date, all of the diary's notes, the document itself and the JSON file with all of the information. This is then uploaded to the user's S3 Bucket in AWS.


The uscensus folder contains a class that extracts CO2 emissions data from the US Census. The user can choose the year and the estimation type (one year or five years).