Based on repository:

Pin Mappings

Following this documentation:

Due Pin Number SAM3X Pin Name Mapped Pin Name
13 PB27 Digital Pin 13 / Amber LED "L" 3
72 PC30 LED "RX" 15
73 PA21 LED "TX" 3


  • PB = PIOB
  • PC = PIOC
  • PA = PIOA


General documentation

  • atsam3x8e-wrap dependency, in order to communicate with hardware a special wrapper has been used (so we do not need to deal with hardware itself), this wrapper has been generated by using the tool svd2rust which converts a CMSIS-SVD to generated rust code
  • memory.x file - Needed by cortex_m_rt crate, its has to be compiled in order to provide the memory layout of the target device the referring values can be found on official arduino product page.
Specification Value
Flash Memory 512 KB all available for the user applications
SRAM 96 KB (two banks: 64KB and 32KB)

Build steps on Windows:

  • cargo objcopy --bin app --target thumbv7m-none-eabi --release -- --output-target=binary image.bin
  • Connect your arduino due to your pc through your programming port (Micro-USB)
    • Click on the Start Menu and open the Control Panel Navigate to “System and Security”. Click on System, and open the Device Manager. Look for the listing named “Ports (COM & LPT)”, then look for Usb Serial Device. And replace 'com3' with your port name
      • mode com3:1200,n,8,1
  • bossac -e -w -v -b -R image.bin

All 3 steps must be executed everytime you may want to apply code updates