
web application for creating video rooms and events with real-time chat communication

MIT LicenseMIT


this is the second part of our plex project (course final project) where we will build the user interface using react.js ,Plex will be a place where you can attend or host events.

Team members

  1. Ibrahim Banat
  2. Mohammad Quthama
  3. Tamara Al - Rashed
  4. Neveen Beiram
  5. Tamara Al-billeh

Summary of the Idea

A web app that enables you to view and attend upcoming events as well as creating your own, users can host events on the app where they can share their screens and cameras.

Problem domain

We need a website to view a wide range of events to attend even if they are public or private, and for those who want to host an event and invite people to attend it, Plex can help to find those events easily. Software Requirements


to give our clients one place to stay informed of virtual online events taking place at each given moment , and to give our clients a platform to share their experiences with others.

Domain modeling


User Stories

  • As a user, I want rooms to handle my events, and chat through videos.
  • As an admin for the event I created,, I want to have the ability of controlling my event.
  • As a user, I want to have a list of events that will happen.

Developer Stories

  1. As a developer, I want to have the ability to sign in using regular sign in and using oath.
  2. As a developer I want to have my own api for events, and the user can publish events to the api.

Database Schema Diagram

We will use two schema :users, and events.Both are not relational, the 'users' schema will be used for saving the users' usernames, passwords, and roles. For 'events' schema, it will be used for the events created and will have the needed data for event like name, description, room owner, and other data, check the diagram below. img





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