Source stream

Option Description
src Source stream
options See

Destination stream

Can be many destination stream at source stream

Option Description
path* File path. Support strftime syntax
file_duration_sec Time duration one file segment
s3_target s3 profile profile_name
bitrate Bitrate
height Height video in pixels
options Encode option see

S3 credentials

Option Description
profile_name Profile profile_name
endpoint_url The complete URL to use for the constructed client. Normally, botocore will automatically construct the appropriate URL to use when communicating with a service. You can specify a complete URL (including the "http/https" scheme) to override this behavior. If this value is provided, then use_ssl is ignored.
access_key_id AWS access key ID
secret_key AWS secret access key
bucket_name Bucket profile_name
verify_ssl Whether or not to use SSL. By default, SSL is used. Note that not all services support non-ssl connections
