
Calculator that can print a file to the Default Network Printer containing the last calculation made.

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Calculator that can print a file to the Default Network Printer containing the last calculation made.

Currently only Windows is supported.

How to install the application

To install the application, you can simply go to the Releases section of this repository and download the desired version or click here to download the latest version.


The application home screen looks like a standard calculator:


Below is a calculation example. Please note that the application will only save the last calculation, so if you do a single inline equation, it would be saved entirely.

If you do multiple calculations to reach the result, only the last one would be saved. In the example below, it would save 90 + 50 instead of the whole equation.



Now that the equation is saved (you clicked =), you can print the equation by going to the menu Arquivo and then Imprimir, or simply use the shortcut CTRL + P.


In the printscreen above you should type the title of the calculation and press Confirmar to print it or Cancelar to cancel.

After pressing Confirmar, the content that would be printed is going to be the same as the printscreen below:



Calculator is under the Apache 2.0 license.


Feel free to open issues or pull requests to this repository. Contributions are more than welcome.