- 0
Problem of genderage.onnx converted to .tflite
#18 opened by MMantis - 0
- 0
- 5
valid acc always is 0.5
#15 opened by xiaqing10 - 0
ids = list(os.listdir(image_dir)) 24 ids.sort() 25 cat_num = len(ids) FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/root/data/insightface/recognition/train'
#14 opened by ankitnayan12 - 0
Sphere loss definition
#13 opened by wencoast - 2
Could you share the annotation(label) file of wider face if you use it for RetinaFace training
#8 opened by siyiding1216 - 0
about base anchors
#12 opened by alexliyang - 0
#11 opened by zlszhonglongshen - 0
Anchor match?
#10 opened by TomCYF - 0
#9 opened by zlszhonglongshen - 3
RetinaFace pretrained model
#4 opened by unrelatedlabs - 0
Which dataset you used for training and what is performance of this implementation
#7 opened by humayun - 0
Can you explain config file param means?
#6 opened by fanweiya - 0
Fully-connected layer in Arcface
#5 opened by HongtaoYang