

My project with Jupyter Notebook


Install Dependencies

sudo apt-get update && \
   sudo apt-get install -y make git docker.io docker-compose && \
   sudo usermod -aG docker $USER && \
   newgrp docker

Setup and Start/Stop Jupyter Notebook

make setup # initial setup
make start # start jupyter notebook (password secured)
make colab # start jupyter notebook (no security)
make stop  # stop jupyter notebook server

If your notebook started with make start, you can connect to it by going to https://[virtual-machine-External-IP][:PORT]. (The port can be omitted if 443, which is the default for HTTPS). You will see a warning that your connection is not private that you can safely bypass.

If your notebook started with make colab, the server is running without any authentication or encryption. This mode is meant to be used as a way to start a remote kernel for your Colaboratory notebook to connect to. Refer to Colaboratory documentation) for details on how to connect to a remote kernel with ssh port forwarding.

Commit to Github

git init
git add * .gitignore
git commit -m'first commit'
git branch -M main
git remote add origin https://github.com/fei/rreproduce-sample.git
git push -u origin main

Created from dddlab/reproducibility-demo cookiecutter template