Ruby version


System dependencies



no configuration

Database creation

Create feelingjy_development, feelingjy_test and feelingjy_production in MySQL.

Database initialization

rails db:schema:load

Model design


  • Stores security information of each user. Comes from the devise user model. All other user information is stored on other tables with the same id for the same underlying user. Field change should require password or email verification.
  • has_one user_info


  • Basic information about a user. Information stored could be changed as long as the user is logged-in. Shares same ID as its corresponding user.
  • belongs_to user
  • has_one instructor_info
  • has_many consult_transactions as student
  • has_many attachments as attachable


  • Information only for instructors. Any user that has no transaction can register as an instructor. instructor_info shares many views with user_info. shares same ID as its corresponding user.
  • belongs_to user
  • has_many consult_transactions as instructor
  • has_one private_policy as instructor


  • Consult transactions links students (general user_info) with instructors. It also other related models such as chat and payment. It has different states for its full life-cycle.
  • belongs_to student
  • belongs_to instructor
  • has_one chat
  • has_one payment


  • A chat contains many chat lines. Assuming not only consult transaction can have chat lines, a chat model is created. But now a chat belongs to a transaction. It could be redesigned to belong to a polymorphic chattable model.
  • belongs_to consult_transaction
  • has_many chat_lines


  • Not fully implemented. The method field is reserved as an enum for values such as credit_card, alipay, wechat, etc. external_id is reserved for details on each of those methods by polymorphism.
  • belongs_to consult_transaction


  • A message is an off-line chat line with attachments. Actually the two are so similar that we could consider unifying them. There is no chat analogy for message, but we can definitely have one. Currently the idea is that, a student starts contacting the instructor with message, and throughout the whole instruction. Chat is used only when they have communication in a timed period, and chat comes with voice chat.
  • belongs_to sender
  • belongs_to receiver
  • has_many attachments as attachable


  • An attachment holds metadata for an uploaded file. It is associated with an attachable which contains user information. Calls authorized_by(user) checks the ownership of this attachment. The file field is filled with a file uploaded by carrierwave.
  • belongs_to attachable


  • Not sure if we still need it. This table keeps private policy versions so we have evidence in case of law suits or some other troubles.
  • belongs_to instructor

How to run the test suite

no test suit

Services (job queues, cache servers, search engines, etc.)

no service

Deployment instructions

Currently MySQL is used. Make sure MySQL uses /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock as the socket connection. Change /config/database.yml or the MySQL config so Rails can communicate with MySQL.

To have a working HTML5 audio communication, server needs to run under HTTPS, which requires using nginx or somehing alike. Checkout this blog for more information.

Redis needs to run on production environment for Rails Channel, so we can have chat room and audio communication.

Audio communication also requires a stun server for NAT discovery. More details here. There are many free stun servers online (for example this Google one: Since running one is not computationally expensive, you can also install a turnserver and run it with -S option.

deployment instructions

  1. cap production deploy
  2. cap production deploy:migrate
  3. cap production deploy:restart