PyQt5 PDF viewer and generator + PyInstaller Export

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Journey description

I designed the poster layout in Figma so that my literature teacher could announce weekly film club meetings at my school (you can check out the Behance case) . However, I have been putting information about a new film into the template every week for over ten weeks now. This app was created so that my literature teacher could generate posters himself.

Upcoming fights

  • Add requirments.txt
  • Convert the poster pictures to B&W to match the poster
  • After zooming in on the PDF viewer, window zoom does not work properly
  • Create Windows Installer
  • Add limits to text inputs
  • Centering text on badge with season and episode diagonally

How do I join the journey?

  1. Install packages (pip install -r requirements.txt)
  2. This project contains a description generator for movies using Chat GPT. If you want to use it, enter your API key in DescriptionGenerator in
  3. Run

How can I collect the treasure?

To build a project into an executable file, use auto-py-to-exe

  1. Install package pip install auto-py-to-exe
  2. Open builder auto-py-to-exe in new web tab
  3. In Settings section click "Import Config From JSON File" and choose pyinstaller-config.json from this repo
  4. In output folder put assets folder, so that the tool has something to work with