
Scrape time-series data from comp-engine.org.

Primary LanguagePythonThe UnlicenseUnlicense

Comp-Engine Scraper

Note: Now it seems that you actually can download all data from CompEngine.org in a single click again. Since I don't know if that resource will be shut down once again in the future, I'll keep this code available just in case.

Since comp-engine.org seems to not offer an option to download all data with a quick single click anymore, I've made this script to get all data automatically.

The website is dynamically rendered, which means that a simple http request won't solve the problem. Therefore, here I'm using Selenium to scrape data automatically through a real web browser.


After cloning this repository into your local machine:

pip install -Ur requirements.txt


There is two main scripts: 'scrape.py' and 'merge_data.py'.

The 'scrape.py' recovers data from comp-engine.org and store all downloaded .zip files in a local directory, while 'merge_data.py' extracts, merge and save the full data into a single .csv file.

To use both scripts just follow the instructions below:


python scrape.py [-h] [--render] data_type start_on_page end_on_page


  • data_type: must be 'real', 'synthetic' or 'unassigned';
  • start_on_page: which page to start scrapping on. Must be 1 or larger;
  • end_on_page: which page to end scrapping. Must be equal or larger than 'start_on_page';
  • -h: shows script help menu;
  • --render: whether to render or not the web browser while scrapping data. If not given, retrieve data using Firefox --headless option.


Recovers the first 100 pages of real time-series:

python scrape.py real 1 100

Recovers the pages from index 150 to 325 of synthetic time-series:

python scrape.py synthetic 150 325


After downloading all your zip files, it is natural that you want a single .csv file containing all data, and not a bunch of .zip files. Luckily for you, I've made a script that solves this issue so you don't have to: 'merge_data.py'.

python merge_data.py [-h] [--no-unzip] [--no-clean] data_type


  • data_type: same as 'scrape.py';
  • -h: shows script help menu;
  • --no-unzip: use this option in case you already unzipped all files by yourself. Note that the .csv fragments must be within the same directory as the .zip files;
  • --no-clean: in case you want to keep all .csv fragments (stored in the same directory as the .zip files) from each .zip file after merging.


Merge all real time-series .zip files into a single .csv:

python merge_data.py real

Merge all synthetic time-series .zip files into a single .csv:

python merge_data.py synthetic

Dev notes

  • I'm using Firefox as the web browser to scrape data. If you have Python and Selenium understandings, you may easily rewrite some lines of code in the scrape.py script to use another web browser. Good luck.