
Project of a Web Pong Game

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Project of a Web Pong Game Description: "A working game of pong in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Use arrow keys and WASD to move the paddles."

This project involves creating a classic Pong game playable in a web browser. The game will be designed using HTML for structure, CSS for styling, and JavaScript for the game logic and interactivity. Players will use the arrow keys and WASD keys on their keyboard to control the paddles.

  1. Create the basic HTML structure:

    • A div for the game area.
    • Two paddle divs within the game area for player paddles.
    • A ball div within the game area for the pong ball.
  2. Style the game with CSS:

    • Set dimensions for the game area.
    • Style the paddles and ball with appropriate sizes and colors.
    • Position the paddles on opposite sides of the game area.
    • Position the ball in the center of the game area.
  3. Implement game logic with JavaScript:

    • Initialize variables to keep track of paddle and ball positions, and game state.
    • Create functions to update the positions of paddles and ball.
    • Handle keyboard input to control paddle movement.
    • Implement ball movement including collision detection with walls and paddles.
    • Update the game state continuously using requestAnimationFrame or setInterval.
    • Implement scoring logic and display the score.
    • Reset the ball position after scoring.
    • Add a start/restart game functionality.