
Save RAM by pruning files from your KSP installation, and hiding them from the loader.

Primary LanguagePerl


Save RAM by pruning files from your KSP installation, and hiding them from the loader.

How to use:

On Windows: Run the StartThis.bat batch file to open a command prompt in this directory.
pruner -prune FASA_Tanks.prnl
To prune all FASA tanks defined in the prunelist (.prnl)
pruner -unprune FASA_Tanks.prnl
To undo what you did, since you realized that you really did want those tanks.

On Linux or Mac: Open a terminal window and descend to the PRNLs directory. run: ./pruner.pl -prune FASA_Tanks.prnl To prune all FASA tanks defined in the prunelist (.prnl)
./pruner.pl -unprune FASA_Tanks.prnl
To undo what you did, since you realized that you really did want those tanks.

Other options: run: pruner -list To receive a list of all available prunelists.

This methodology is chosen to preserve tab completion for the prunelist filenames.