
Skylab mod that contains both the broken and unbroken versions of the station. This is compatible with DECQ, OLDD and FASA Saturn V mods


This mod comes with everything you need to create your own Skylab, broken solar panels and all!

I went for the actual skylab rather than the intended one with this design so this mod includes the main skylab module, left solar array, micrometeorite shields and nosecone. UPDATED: This mod now includes the original design station too!

The textures were taken from actual reference shots of the station.

Picture Album: http://imgur.com/a/2HVkc

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##Remotetech Support:

##This mod comes in three versions to support the most popular Saturn V mods:

  • DECQ Saturn V - (Supported via Module Manager patch)
  • OLDD Saturn V - (Supported via Module Manager patch)
  • FASA - (Supported via Module Manager patch)


Merge/Overwrite the Gamedata and Ship folders in your main KSP directory with the ones from this mod.

NOTE: This mod is compatible with my other mod's scaling by default if you have DECQ, FASA or OLDD Saturn V you need to install the module manager compatibility patches below.

First download Module Manager here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/55219

-If you have DECQ, FASA or OLDD Saturn V's also install the corresponding modulemanager configs and Ship craft files included in this mod package. ONLY USE ONE MODULE MANAGER CONFIG AT A TIME!

How to launch

Launching this station successfully is a difficult task and not meant for beginners. I intentionally made it difficult. For people having trouble here is an optimal ascent profile.

  • turn start altitude: 1km
  • turn end altitude: 70km
  • turn shape: 64%

If you follow this you should end up with a couple hundred DV extra. Basically, fly a very steep ascent profile only leveling off at the very end or you won't have enough fuel to reach orbit.


  • This mod supports my other mod's scaling by default, if you have DECQ, FASA or OLDD you need the compatibility patch for either provided in this pack.
  • DO NOT decouple the left solar panel on the "unbroken" version of the station. This panel has the ability to "come off" as it is used both by the realistic skylab and the unbroken one. It does not come off on the unbroken version.
  • Stage your rocket so the micrometeorite shields and left solar array decouple at the same time as the first stage. The top nosecones should come off anytime after the second stage is lit.


The Skylab ASAS must be used to properly control the station. The included craft files already have this installed on the station for you.

License and Credits

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-Original mesh by Usonian

This license does not cover mod packs. Putting my work into a mod pack is prohibited.

Using any of my mods names or likenesses, including in derivative works, expansions, addons is prohibited

Internal seats credit to: NoMrBond - Creative Commons BY 3.0 NZ

Firespitter - Snjo - License: You may reuse code and textures from this mod, as long as you give credit in the download file and on the download post/page. Reuse of models with permission. No reselling. No redistribution of the whole pack without permission. UV map texture guides are included so you can re-skin to your liking.