
Integrate Felgo with existing Android Apps

Primary LanguageQML

Integrate Felgo with Existing Apps

This guide describes how to integrate Felgo into existing Android projects.

Felgo Native Integration comes as an Android aar library file. You can add it as a regular maven dependency.

  1. Add the felgo-android dependency in your build.gradle file:

    dependencies {
        implementation 'com.felgo:felgo-android:3.+'
  2. Add the Felgo Maven repository at the repositories block:

    repositories {
        maven { url 'https://github.com/FelgoSDK/FelgoAndroid/raw/master/maven/' }
  3. Set the base class of any Activity that includes Felgo to FelgoAndroidActivity

  4. Add your QML code to the application assets. The following example uses the file assets/qml/Main.qml.

  5. Add FelgoAndroidFragment in layout or in source.

    1. From XML layout:

    2. From source:

          .replace(R.id.qt_fragment_container, new FelgoAndroidFragment()
                   .setQmlSource(getApplicationContext(), "qml/Main.qml"), 

    Note: R.id.qt_fragment_container must be a view in the current activity.

Example Application

The folder NativeIntegrationExample contains a complete Android example project making use of FelgoAndroid. You can open it directly in Android Studio.