
The amazon In-App Purchase plugin for SOOMLA framework

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

This project is a billing provider plugin to android-store.


android-store-amazon is a billing service plugin for android-store.

December 3rd, 2014: Moving forward to Amazon IAP v2.0! See changelog

Getting Started

In order to work with this plugin you first need to go over android-store's Getting Started.

The steps to integrate this billing service are also in android-store's Selecting Billing Service but we will also write them here for convenience:

  1. Add in-app-purchasing-2.0.1.jar (from libs folder) and AndroidStoreAmazon.jar (from build folder) to your project.

  2. Make the following changes in AndroidManifest.xml:

Add amazon's ResponseReceiver to your application element. Also, you need to tell us what plugin you're using so add a meta-data tag for that:

<receiver android:name = "com.amazon.device.iap.ResponseReceiver" >
    <action android:name = "com.amazon.inapp.purchasing.NOTIFY"
            android:permission = "com.amazon.inapp.purchasing.Permission.NOTIFY" />
<meta-data android:name="billing.service" android:value="amazon.AmazonIabService" />


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Apache License. Copyright (c) 2012-2014 SOOMLA. http://soom.la