
Front-end Technology Main technologies.

  • Vue.js (2.6.14): JavaScript Framework
  • Vuex (3.6.2): State Management
  • Vue Router (3.5.3): Route Management UI frameworks.
  • Ant Design Vue (1.7.8): main UI component library (UI used in the interface, animated buttons, etc.)
  • Ant Design Icons Vue (7.0.0): Ant Design's Vue icon component.
  • Ant Design Vue Pro Layout (1.0.12): Ant Design's professional layout component. Tools and Libraries.
  • axios: HTTP client for API calls
  • moment: date and time manipulation library
  • nprogress: top loading progress bar
  • mockjs2: data simulation library
  • vue-clipboard2: clipboard tooling
  • vue-i18n : internationalisation plugin
  • vue-quill-editor : rich text editor Development Tools: eslint: Code Quality Tool
  • eslint: Code quality tool
  • stylelint: Style checker
  • babel: JavaScript compiler
  • less: CSS preprocessor
  • postcss: CSS processing tool

Front-end project structure

  1. root directory:

    ├── config: configuration folder ├── public: public resources folder ├── src: the main source code folder of the project └── tests: tests folder

  2. src/ folder structure:

    ├── CONST: Constants folder ├── api: API interface request folder ├── assets: static resources folder └── icons: icon resources

    ├── components: public components folder ├── ArticleListContent: Article list content component ├── AvatarList: Avatar list component ├── Charts: Charts component ... (other public components)

    ├── config: configuration folder ├── core: core functionality folder ├── directives: Vue directives folder └── permission: permissions folder

    ├── layouts: layout folder ├── locales: internationalisation resources folder └── lang: language-specific folder ├── en-US: English resources folder ├── account: account-related text resources ... (other English resources folder) └── zh-CN: Chinese resources folder ... (Chinese resources folder content)

    ├── router: routing folder ├── store: Vuex state management folder └── modules:Vuex modules folder

    ├── utils: tools and methods folder └── views: pages and views folder ├── about: about page ├── account: account page and its subpages ├── dashboard: dashboard page

Backend Technologies Main Technologies

    • Koa a lightweight Node.js web framework for building web applications and APIs. Middleware and Tools.
  • bcryptjs: a library for password encryption, often used for encrypted storage of user passwords.
  • koa-body : Koa's request body parsing middleware that parses JSON, form and text.
  • koa-router : Koa's routing middleware for defining URL paths and handling requests.
  • koa-static: Koa's static file serving middleware for serving static resources.
  • koa2-cors : CORS middleware for Koa, allowing cross-domain requests.
  • mongoose: a MongoDB object modelling tool for connecting to and manipulating MongoDB databases.
  • uuid : Used to generate RFC4122 UUIDs, often used to generate unique identifiers.
  1. Install and run the mongodb database (just enough to get it up and running);
    1. Installation specific look at:;
    2. start: brew services start mongodb/brew/mongodb-community.
    3. shutdown: brew services stop mongodb/brew/mongodb-community.
    4. Use a visual tool to view the database: Navicat;
      1. specifically view:;
      2. add the database;
  2. install nodejs: v16.15.1;

Project Development

Starting the back-end

  1. Go to the server directory;
  2. npm install;
  3. npm run dev;