This programming project implements a simulation over the SNAKE game, but also adding obstacles, so it also a merge between the game Snake and a Maze, therefore, we shall have our SNAZE. Snake is either controlled by a client, or by a programmed ia, with the purpose to always get the apple.
Functions implemented for:
- Recursively find the path to apple.
- Functioning of Snake. Which means it's growing and movement.
- c.
- Create (functional) Class Maze.
- Create (functional) Class Snake.
- Code function to find Snake's path to apple.
- Code Snake's growing and movement.
- Make it usable for both client and I.A.
- Doxygen commentation.
- Cope function ....
First of all, obviously this repository is needed to work as desired, so we must to download this repo. As we know that git
is a tremendous tool for any programmer, then we must have git installed.
It is also expected for user to have installed doxygen program. This will automatically generate documentation for code. Not a necessary package to compile and run program, but it is a tool to guide user through code functions. To install doxygen
on UBUNTU, for example:
$ sudo apt-get install doxygen
To compile we will use a makefile, so compilations may be more dynamic and automatic.
# Using 'git clone' to clone this repo into desired directory:
$ git clone
# Enter repo:
$ cd snaze
# To compile the whole project insert 'make':
$ make
# To generate project documentation, insert 'make docs':
$ make docs
# To clean up all remaining trash data and files, such as the binary ones, insert 'make clean':
$ make clean
Now, we show how to run the program. We made it able to generate the maze map either randomicly, or by receiving a file containg maze structure data.
To receive a file, it is needed to run program with 2 command arguments.
- -f : It says to code that a file is being requested to run.
- [FILE_NAME]: It tells code which file is this.
To generate random maze structure, run the executable with no arguments.
# To execute program, and create randomicly, simply run program:
$ ./snaze
# To execute program with maze received through file, run like this:
$ ./snaze -f <input_file_name>
Let's say you wish to randomic create the maze map, then you must use like:
$ ./snaze
It will create a total random maze structure.
Now, if you have a file containing maze data(let's consider this file as 'data/input_file.dat'), and is wished to run the code with this specified data, then code must be run as:
$ ./snaze -f data/input_file.dat
Program developed by Daniel Guerra ( and Felipe Ramos (, 2018.1
© QuebraCódigos_Ltda, 2018.