
This is a Flutter project for studying the Dart language and the framework.

Primary LanguageDart


The project's goal is to study the main functionalities (and good practices) of a mobile application.

This is a comfort food indication app. It has a login screen with phone authentication method and uses your location to suggests you a comfort food in the catalog of the biggest delivery app in Latin America.

Checkout de screen designs at Figma.

Study project

  • Good practices
  • Architecture
  • Features

Project's structure and good practices

Projects in Flutter are very simple. As we have in React Native, here there are Android and iOS folders, but the rest is not so different. Folders:

  • android
  • ios
  • lib
  • build
  • tests

I've created "assets" folder as a good practices (like a pattern) to store all my images, icons and fonts.

All your code must be inside lib folder. The main file is 'main.dart' and (again) as good practice I've created screens, services and widgets folder to keep all my code properly organized.

It's nice to always write tests before or while coding sometimes you don't stop to think about some behaviors, so this test time is good to make sure everything works out.

Creating protected objects when they must be used only in the class scope is a good practice that is not limited to this framework, but it's always good. In Flutter, a protected property is indicated by an under line (_) in front of the instance name.

The use of => indicates that this method performs only 1 function.


The project architecture is available in the project.



  • Page navigation with routes
  • APIs handling
  • Application state handling
  • Widget styling
  • Splash screen
  • Animations (?)
  • Auth/Sign in and Database (Firebase)
  • Tests

Dealing with Widgets

Flutter works on the same concepts as React/React Native Components, calling them Widgets. We have access to life cycle methods, application state and styling. Obviously, some things work differently or have another name, but the essence is the same.

Application state

Life cycle methods

Life cycle methods have different behaviors between Stateless and Stateful widgets. Those differences are not contrasting so it's nice to pay attention to details.


When created executes the constructor and then build() method.


After the creation of this widget, the constructor is executed too, but then the createState() method is the one responsible for "doing the magic".


initState: Called when the widget is inserted in the tree.

build: Called when the widget is builded or re-builded. After initState() or setState() are common cases to use it.

dispose: Called when the widget is removed from the tree.

setState: Notifies the widget that the state has changed.

didUpdateWidget: Called after every widget update. It's executed always before build() method.

Widget styling

Firebase Authentication

Google Firebase authentication is the chosen one to the project. The authentication by phone number via SMS is fast and practical; just to handle different screens from authentication state.

All used documentation can be accessed on Flutter Documentation.


Some fonts

Flutter Documentation

Flutter para iniciantes