

Primary LanguageKotlin

mParticle Android Takehome Test

This is the skeleton of a Twitter-clone Android app, designed to get you started.

Take home Requirements

Please spend no longer than 4 hours on your solution. Generally speaking - don't worry about how pretty the UI is - focus on creating clean code and abstractions.

Please update the app with all of the following, or anything else that you think could be appropriate. Reference the official twitter app for ideas!

  • Pulling a timeline of tweets from a service abstraction. The backing of this service could be a local database, a basic webservice, or a combination for offline scenarios.
  • Add the ability to author a tweet
  • Add the ability to add or remove followers
  • Add at least one instrumented and one unit test
  • Anything else you can think of - we want to see where you take it!


  • Unzip the attached git repository to your machine and commit any changes to your local copy of the repository.
  • Submit your solution by emailing back a zipped copy of your local git repository.
  • Include a write-up of how you would scope out the future of this project (what could come next, improvements you'd make, etc)

Questions we'll ask (about your submission in next round)

  • What design pattern did you choose and why? (MVVM, MVI, MVP, etc)
  • How did you handle data caching and errors in the app?
  • What tests did you add? (performance, mocking, etc)