
Code challenge using PokeApi (https://pokeapi.co/)

Primary LanguageSwift

Pokemon Challenge App

Xcode Swift 5.1 min iOS

image * Disclaimer: Pokémon and Pokémon character names are trademarks of Nintendo.


On the folders:

  • VIPER: Architecture: VIPER, Persistence: CoreData, UI: Programatically
  • Realm: Architecture: VIPER, Persistence: Realm, UI: Programatically (WIP)
  • Combine: Architecture: MVVM (Combine), Persistence: CoreData, UI: SwiftUI (Planned)


  • Functionalities: Sharing the same Gherkin files
  • UI: All of them has a list of Pokemon and a detail screen showing their Pokedex entries.
  • Network: Using the API, https://pokeapi.co/


The initial though of doing a project like that was to learn more about VIPER, which is an architecture that I like.

Then it was more of a template for personal projects, a code that I could use as a starting point, since the Network and Database services is easily enough to change if I need it.

My future for this repo is still uses it to learn (e.g. create another project using Combine + SwiftUI this time), improve some knowledges that I already have (e.g. using Realm as a database). And also create some easy templates that I could use for futures projects.


I'll create another project using Storyboard instead of programmatically UI, but this will always be my lowest priority