
The unofficial .NET/C# client library for the Coinbase Pro/GDAX API

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT



Build status NuGet NuGet

How to Install

PM> Install-Package GDAX.Api.ClientLibrary

How to Use

Generate your key at https://pro.coinbase.com/profile/api

//create an authenticator with your apiKey, apiSecret and passphrase
var authenticator = new Authenticator("<apiKey>", "<apiSecret>", "<passphrase>");

//create the CoinbasePro client
var coinbaseProClient = new CoinbasePro.CoinbaseProClient(authenticator);

//use one of the services 
var allAccounts = await coinbaseProClient.AccountsService.GetAllAccountsAsync();

What services are provided?

  • GetAllAccountsAsync() - get all accounts
  • GetAccountByIdAsync(id) - get account by id
  • GetAccountHistoryAsync(id, limit, numberOfPages) - get account history (paged response)
  • GetAccountHoldsAsync(id, limit, numberOfPages) - get all holds placed on an account (paged response)
  • GetAllAccountsAsync() - get all coinbase accounts
  • PlaceMarketOrderAsync(orderSide, productPair, amount, MarketOrderAmountType, clientOId) - place market order by size or funds
  • PlaceLimitOrderAsync(orderSide, productPair, size, price, timeInForce, postOnly, clientOId) - place limit order with time in force
  • PlaceLimitOrderAsync(orderSide, productPair, size, price, cancelAfter, postOnly, clientOId) - place limit order with cancel after date
  • PlaceStopOrderAsync(orderSide, productPair, size, limitPrice, stopPrice, clientOId) - place stop order with stop and limit price
  • CancelAllOrdersAsync() - cancel all orders
  • CancelOrderByIdAsync(id) - cancel order by id
  • GetAllOrdersAsync(orderStatus, limit, numberOfPages) - get all, active or pending orders (paged response)
  • GetAllOrdersAsync(orderStatus[], limit, numberOfPages) - get orders by multiple statuses (paged response)
  • GetOrderByIdAsync(id) - get order by id
  • GetAllPaymentMethodsAsync() - get all payment methods
  • WithdrawFundsAsync(paymentMethodId, amount, currency) - withdraw funds to a payment method
  • WithdrawToCoinbaseAsync(coinbaseAccountId, amount, currency) - withdraw funds to a coinbase account
  • WithdrawToCryptoAsync(cryptoAddress, amount, currency) - withdraw funds to a crypto address
  • DepositFundsAsync(paymentMethodId, amount, currency) - deposits funds from a payment method
  • DepositCoinbaseFundsAsync(coinbaseAccountId, amount, currency) - deposits funds from a coinbase account
  • GetAllProductsAsync() - get a list of available currency pairs for trading
  • GetProductOrderBookAsync(productType, productLevel) - get a list of open orders for a product (specify level 1, 2, or 3)
  • GetProductTickerAsync(productType) - get information about the last trade (tick), best bid/ask and 24h volume
  • GetTradesAsync(productType, limit, numberOfPages) - get latest trades for a product (paged response)
  • GetProductStatsAsync(productType) - get 24 hour stats for a product
  • GetHistoricRatesAsync(productPair, start, end, granularity) - get historic rates for a product, auto batches requests to pull complete date range
  • GetAllCurrenciesAsync() - gets a list of known currencies
  • GetAllFillsAsync(limit, numberOfPages) - gets a list of all recent fills (paged response)
  • GetFillsByOrderIdAsync(orderId, limit, numberOfPages) - gets a list of all recent fills by order id (paged response)
  • GetFillsByProductIdAsync(productType, limit, numberOfPages) - gets a list of all recent fills by product type (paged response)
  • GetAllFundingsAsync(limit, fundingStatus, numberOfPages) - gets a list of all orders placed with a margin profile that draws funding (paged response)
  • CreateNewAccountReportAsync(startDate, endDate, accountId, productType, email, fileFormat) - generate new account report
  • CreateNewFillsReportAsync(startDate, endDate, productType, accountId, email, fileFormat) - generate new fills report
  • GetReportStatus(id) - gets report status
User Account
  • GetTrailingVolumeAsync() - get 30-day trailing volume for all products
  • GetCurrentFeesAsync() - get your current maker & taker fee rates, as well as your 30-day trailing volume
Stablecoin Conversions
  • CreateConversion(currencyFrom, currencyTo, amount) - convert bank-based dollars to blockchain-based digital dollars
  • GetAllProfilesAsync() - list your profiles
  • GetProfileByIdAsync(id) - get a single profile by profile id
  • CreateProfileTransferAsync(from, to, currency, amount) - transfer funds from API key’s profile to another user owned profile

Websocket Feed

How to use with authentication

//create an authenticator with your apiKey, apiSecret and passphrase
var authenticator = new Authenticator("<apiKey>", "<apiSecret>", "<passphrase>");

//create the CoinbasePro client
var coinbaseProClient = new CoinbasePro.CoinbaseProClient(authenticator);

//use the websocket feed
var productTypes = new List<ProductType>() { ProductType.BtcEur, ProductType.BtcUsd };
var channels = new List<ChannelType>() { ChannelType.Full, ChannelType.User} // When not providing any channels, the socket will subscribe to all channels

var webSocket = coinbaseProClient.WebSocket;
webSocket.Start(productTypes, channels);

// EventHandler for the heartbeat response type
webSocket.OnHeartbeatReceived += WebSocket_OnHeartbeatReceived;

private static void WebSocket_OnHeartbeatReceived(object sender, WebfeedEventArgs<Heartbeat> e)
  throw new NotImplementedException();

How to use without authentication

//create the CoinbasePro client without an authenticator
var coinbaseProClient = new CoinbasePro.CoinbaseProClient();

//use the websocket feed
var productTypes = new List<ProductType>() { ProductType.BtcEur, ProductType.BtcUsd };
var channels = new List<ChannelType>() { ChannelType.Full, ChannelType.User }; // When not providing any channels, the socket will subscribe to all channels

var webSocket = coinbaseProClient.WebSocket;
webSocket.Start(productTypes, channels);

// EventHandler for the heartbeat response type
webSocket.OnHeartbeatReceived += WebSocket_OnHeartbeatReceived;

private static void WebSocket_OnHeartbeatReceived(object sender, WebfeedEventArgs<Heartbeat> e)
  throw new NotImplementedException();

Available functions

These are the starting and stopping methods:
  • Start(productTypes, channelTypes, autoSendPingInterval) - Starts the websocket feed based on product(s) and channel(s). Optionally set an auto send ping interval to prevent websocket from closing if idle more than 1 minute
  • Stop() - Stops the websocket feed

The following methods are EventHandlers:

  • OnTickerReceived - EventHandler for data with response type ticker
  • OnSnapShotReceived - EventHandler for data with response type snapshot
  • OnLevel2UpdateReceived - EventHandler for data with response type level2
  • OnHeartbeatReceived - EventHandler for data with response type heartbeat
  • OnReceivedReceived - EventHandler for data with response type received
  • OnOpenReceived - EventHandler for data with response type open
  • OnDoneReceived - EventHandler for data with response type done
  • OnMatchReceived - EventHandler for data with response type match
  • OnChangeReceived - EventHandler for data with response type change
  • OnLastMatchReceived - EventHandler for data with response type last match
  • OnErrorReceived - EventHandler for data with response type error
  • OnActivateReceived - Eventhandler for data with response type activate
  • OnWebSocketError - EventHandler for web socket error
  • OnWebSocketClose- EventHandler for web socket closing
  • OnWebSocketOpenAndSubscribed - EventHandler for web socket being opened and subscribed

Sandbox Support

Generate your key at https://public.sandbox.pro.coinbase.com/profile/api

//create an authenticator with your apiKey, signature and passphrase
var authenticator = new Authenticator("<apiKey>", "<signature>", "<passphrase>");

//create the CoinbasePro client and set the sandbox flag to true
var coinbaseProClient = new CoinbasePro.CoinbaseProClient(authenticator, true);

//use one of the services 
var response = await coinbaseProClient.OrdersService.PlaceMarketOrderAsync(OrderSide.Buy, ProductType.BtcUsd, 1);


Place a market order
//by size
var response = await coinbaseProClient.OrdersService.PlaceMarketOrderAsync(OrderSide.Buy, ProductType.BtcUsd, 1);

//by funds
var response = await coinbaseProClient.OrdersService.PlaceMarketOrderAsync(OrderSide.Buy, ProductType.BtcUsd, 50, MarketOrderAmountType.Funds);
Place a limit order
var response = await coinbaseProClient.OrdersService.PlaceLimitOrderAsync(OrderSide.Sell, ProductType.EthUsd, 1, 400.0M);
Cancel all open or un-settled orders
var response = await coinbaseProClient.OrdersService.CancelAllOrdersAsync();
Getting account history (paged response)
//the limit is the amount of items per page - in this case it would be 2 items (default is 100)
//you can also specify the number of pages to request - in this case it would be the first 5 pages (default is 0 which will request all pages)
//some routes may require the number of pages to be specified as there are rate limits
var accountHistoryResponse = await coinbaseProClient.AccountsService.GetAccountHistoryAsync("ef56a389", 2, 5);

//retrieve by page number - this would return the first page of the response (latest first)
var firstPage = accountHistoryResponse.ToList()[0];

//get the first item on the page
var firstAccountHistoryOnFirstPage = firstPage.ToList()[0];

//get the second item on the page
var secondAccountHistoryOnFirstPage = firstPage.ToList()[1];
Generate and email a report
var reportDateFrom = new DateTime(2017, 1, 1);
var reportDateTo = new DateTime(2018, 1, 1);
var accountId = "29318029382";

//generate and email accounts report csv
var accountResponse = coinbaseProClient.ReportsService.CreateNewAccountReportAsync(reportDateFrom, reportDateTo, accountId, ProductType.BtcUsd, "me@email.com", FileFormat.Csv);

//generate and email fills report pdf
var fillsResponse = coinbaseProClient.ReportsService.CreateNewFillsReportAsync(reportDateFrom, reportDateTo, ProductType.BtcUsd, accountId, "me@email.com", FileFormat.Pdf);
Overriding the HttpClient behavior

You can gain greater control of the http requests by implementing CoinbasePro.HttpClient.IHttpClient and passing that into the CoinbasePro constructor.

var myWay = new MyNamespace.MyHttpClient();

//create an authenticator with your apiKey, signature and passphrase
var authenticator = new Authenticator("<apiKey>", "<signature>", "<passphrase>");

//create the CoinbasePro client and set the httpClient to my way of behaving
var coinbaseProClient = new CoinbasePro.CoinbaseProClient(authenticator, myWay);


Logging is provided by Serilog - https://github.com/serilog/serilog

//configure the application logging to output to console and a file called log.txt
Serilog.Log.Logger = new LoggerConfiguration()
					rollingInterval: RollingInterval.Day,
					rollOnFileSizeLimit: true)

//create an authenticator with your apiKey, signature and passphrase
var authenticator = new Authenticator("<apiKey>", "<signature>", "<passphrase>");

//create the CoinbasePro client
var coinbaseProClient = new CoinbasePro.CoinbaseProClient(authenticator);

//use one of the services 
var response = await coinbaseProClient.OrdersService.PlaceMarketOrderAsync(OrderSide.Buy, ProductType.BtcUsd, 1);


Thanks for contributing!

  • @dgelineau
  • @quin810
  • @DontFretBrett
  • @chrisw000
  • @confessore
  • @sotam
  • @BradForsythe
  • @zaccharles
  • @BraveSirAndrew
  • @alexhiggins732
  • @kudobyte
  • @mailgerigk
  • @joshua211
  • @nscheibe

Bugs or questions?

Please open an issue for any bugs or questions