
A cross platform app to connect people to orphanages and spread happiness.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


happy is a platform to connect peoples to orphanages and spread happinnes.



This project was developed during the Next Level Week 3 by Rocketseat 🚀💜


To run this project, please install this:

Use your prefered text editor or IDE to study/change. I already used and recommend these text editors:


Clone the repo.

# Clone this repository
$ git clone https://github.com/FelipePardim/happy

Follow the guides bellow to run each project as you like.

How to use

🖥️ Running backend (server).

# Access back-end folder.
$ cd backend

# Install dependencies.
$ yarn install
$ npm install

# Start the API server.
$ yarn dev
$ npm dev

# The back-end server will listen on port 3333.
# Make API calls on http://localhost:3333.

🌐 Running web application (frontend).

# Access front-end folder.
$ cd frontend

# Install dependencies.
$ yarn install
$ npm install

# Start the Web server.
$ yarn start
$ npm start

# The front-end server will up on port 3000
# Access the web app on http://localhost:3000.

s 📱 Running mobile app ( Android & IOS ).

# Acess mobile folder
$ cd mobile

# Install dependencies
$ yarn install
$ npm install 

# Start the Expo server
$ expo start

# Connect your iPhone or Android device to the expo server, or run in your prefered emulator;

🛠 Technologies

This are the tech stack and tools utilized to develop this project:

📝 License

This project is under MIT licensce.

👨‍💻 Author: