
Alvama ExpressJS API

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Alvama Server

This is the small express API for Alvama project. Alvama project is what me and my teammate named our thesis to get our degree as Industrial Engineers.

Tech Stack

  • Express
  • Prisma

I tried to really organized the project structure so it's easy to understand and easy to maintain. I also tried to use the best practices for the project structure.

Folder Structure

├───prisma (Prisma ORM)
│   ├───classes 
│   ├───http
│   │   ├───controllers (all controllers)
│   │   ├───middlewares (all middlewares)
│   │   └───requests (all request validation)
│   ├───services (Business Logic)
│   ├───types (TypeScript Types)
│   ├───utils (Helper Functions)
│   └───index.ts (Express App)

What is Alvama?

Alvama is a lineal mathematical programming model to solve the fleet sizing problem in the public transport sector, built on Python using the PuLP library.

But, Alvama divides in three projects:

  • Alvama Model
  • Alvama GUI
  • Alvama Server (Current)

The principal idea of this project is to provide a beautiful UI and an API for those people who want to use the model in their own projects.

The UI is an Electron + React + Vite project (is private for now, but I will publish it soon). The API is this project, a small express API that provides the model and the data to the UI.

API Documentation

This API is documented using Postman. You can find the documentation here.