
Great Application to save your games, books, and music albums, and sorted by many options, built with Ruby and SQL

Primary LanguageRuby


Video Presentation

Please follow this link to see our presentation

Ruby Catalog of my Things

Catalog of my Things is a CLI app that records things that you own! You can choose between Books, MusicAlbums and Games as things you can record! You can add relations for a thing, currently you can set a relation with Author, Label and Genre, you can check what those relations look like in the UML diagram in this readme.

Currently List of Actions that the app performs:

  • 1 - List all books
  • 2 - List all music albums
  • 3 - List all games
  • 4 - list all genres
  • 5 - List all labels
  • 6 - List all authors
  • 7 - Add a book
  • 8 - Add a music album
  • 9 - Add a game
  • 10 - Add a Label
  • 11 - Add a Genre
  • 12 - Add a Author
  • 13 - Exit

UML Diagram


Built With

  • Ruby

Getting Started

To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.


  • Git/GitHub;
  • Optional ( IDE installed in your machine ) - recommended IDE: Vscode, Rubymine;
  • Ruby Installed in your machine;


  • To clone this repo:
    • Open the Terminal(Mac/Linux) or the Cmd (Windows);
    • Navigate to where you want to paste the Repo folder;
    • Type git clone https://github.com/nelsinofrancisco/ruby-catalog-capstone.git;
    • With you preffered IDE open the folder that you cloned before;

Run Application

  • You can run the code on IRB;
  • Or running ruby [file] in the terminal/powershell/vscode

Run tests

  • Run bundle install to install the testing library
  • To run local tests run Rspec . to run all tests or Rspec [file] to run a specific file


👨‍💻 Nelsino

👨‍💻 Juan Felipe Gomez

👨‍💻 Mateo Villagómez

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the issues page.

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📝 License

This project is MIT licensed.