
React Dashboard Boilerplate

Primary LanguageJavaScript

This is a simple boiler plate project for React Dashboard with SignUP, SignIN using Firebase. The routes are maintained in App.js file. To ease the process the project consumes React Functional Components along with Hooks - useState, useEffect.

This project is built using Material UI Library. Utilising following templates:

  1. Dashboard (https://material-ui.com/getting-started/templates/dashboard/)
  2. SignIN (https://material-ui.com/getting-started/templates/dashboard/)
  3. SignUP (https://material-ui.com/getting-started/templates/sign-up/)

This project utilises different material-ui components like:

  1. Date Picker
  2. Switch
  3. Text Field
  4. Select
  5. Custom Dialog Reusable Modal
  6. Icons

To begin,

  1. Pull the repo from Github.
  2. Use "npm install" to install all the node dependencies.
  3. Update src/Components/firebase.js file with your firebase project credentials.
  4. Run "yarn start" or "npm start" to start the project.

You will initially be redirected to SignIN page. Select the option "Don't have an account? SignUp" and you will be redirected to SignUP page. Enter credentials and you will be logged into Dashboard.

Video Demo Link: https://youtu.be/aWUr3GRbhhs