
The application allows users to create events, delete events and view events. It also allows users to generate event tickets and invalidate tickets. Generated tickets are sent to user's email if uploaded


`$ git clone https://github.com/oscamaina/bc-15-Ticket_booking_service

$ cd bc-15-Ticket_booking_service

Create and activate a virtual environment.

$ virtualenv env
$ cd venv/Scripts
& activate
& cd..
& cd..

Install dependencies

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Run the app

python appy.py


   event create <name> <start_date> <end_date> <venue>
   event delete <event_id>
   event edit <event_id> <new_details>
   event list
   event view <event_id>
   ticket generate <email>
   ticket invalidate <ticket_id>