Kompozite technical test - Partie 1: Ingestion and validation de la donneée

ETL Process


The input csv file is passed as an argument to the script. It results a pandas dataframe.


Formatting is made with pandas as well. We want to match the format before it is inserted in the database.


Required fields + types are checked in the load stage by the database constraints.


Activate venv and install requirements:

virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Run the script with the path to the csv file:

python3 main.py -f "data/dummy_meshes_with_errors.csv"
python3 main.py -f "data/dummy_meshes_correct.csv"



Issues encountered

  • In test_keep_unique_codename: having inplace=True modified the original fixture even when copied.
  • List of strings in SQLite -> replaced with PickleType
  • SQLite: I usually use Postgres but tried SQLite to not use a server. The issue was querying SQLite that I solved when replacing pd.to_sql with a more controlled insertion.
  • Decoding roll_pallet read from SQLite: element returned is b'\x1e\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'. L'erreur vient de roll_pallet qui a une valeur négative, créé une fonction dans Transformer pour y remédier.


  • Prendre en compte tous les cas d'usage lorsqu'il y a plus de données: prendre en main les NA et mauvaises entrées pour chaque colonne...
  • Utiliser Docker pour rendre le projet plus reproductible
  • Tester Loader