AWS E-commerce Streaming

This project aims at simulating the cloud-based infrastructure of an e-commerce company.


Main goal :

  • Process transactions made by customers
  • Give customers access to their purchase history

Secondary goals :

  • Compute average sales
  • Other analytics stats



The dataset constisting of 8 columns and 541 909 rows, represents transactions made on the e-commerce website.

Attributes : InvoiceNo, StockCode, Description, Quantity, InvoiceDate, UnitPrice, CustomerID, Country.

Source : E-commerce data on Kaggle.


The platform consists of 3 pipelines, one that sends streaming data, one that stores it in a data lake, :
Amazon services used but not indicated on the diagrams are IAM and Cloudwatch.



We simulate streaming data by sending each line of a CSV with a Python script to the API Gateway. The Lambda function forwards the POST request to a Kinesis Data Stream. We can then access sent data with a GET request through Postman.

Ingestion diagram

Stream to S3

After data has been put into Kinesis, a Lambda function pulls data directly from Kinesis and saves them as files in S3.

Stream to S3 diagram

Stream to DynamoDB

A Lambda function saves the streamed data in a NoSQL database / document store, DynamoDB.
