Real-Time Search Project - Search Juice

This project aims to implement real-time search functionality using Ruby on Rails for both the backend and frontend. It allows users to perform instant searches and stores queries for later analysis.

🛠 Initial Project Setup (4 hours)

  • Rails Setup: Configured a new Rails project with PostgreSQL as the database.
  • Search Model: Created a SearchQuery model to store search queries.
  • Implementation of Real-Time Search (In Progress)

Frontend (Ruby on Rails)

  • Rails Views: Creating Rails views to display the user interface related to search.
  • Forms and Request Handling: In progress to enable sending and handling queries from the frontend.

Backend (Ruby on Rails)

  • Search Controller: Configured the Rails controller to handle real-time search requests.
  • Query Storage: Implementing query storage in the database.

Next Steps (10 hours)

  • Complete Frontend in Rails: Finalize the creation of views and forms in Rails to enable users to perform search queries.
  • Frontend-Backend Integration: Ensure the proper connection between the frontend and backend for sending and receiving queries.
  • Finalize Query Storage: Complete the logic for storing and filtering queries.

Additional Configuration

  • Tools Used: Configured tools such as RuboCop, RSpec, and Stylelint to maintain code quality and conduct testing.