
Capacitor plugin in app browser with urlChangeEvent

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


Capgo - Instant updates for capacitor

Capacitor plugin in app browser with urlChangeEvent


npm install @capgo/inappbrowser
npx cap sync


import { InAppBrowser } from '@capgo/inappbrowser'

InAppBrowser.open({ url: "YOUR_URL" });

Web platform is not supported. Use window.open instead.

Camera usage

if you need the Camera to work in Android, you need to add the following to your AndroidManifest.xml file:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA" />

Then the permission will be asked when the camera is used.



open(options: OpenOptions) => Promise<any>

Open url in a new window fullscreen

Param Type
options OpenOptions

Returns: Promise<any>

Since: 0.1.0


clearCookies(options: ClearCookieOptions) => Promise<any>

Clear cookies of url

Param Type
options ClearCookieOptions

Returns: Promise<any>

Since: 0.5.0


getCookies(options: GetCookieOptions) => Promise<Record<string, string>>

Get cookies for a specific URL.

Param Type Description
options GetCookieOptions The options, including the URL to get cookies for.

Returns: Promise<Record<string, string>>


close() => Promise<any>

Returns: Promise<any>


openWebView(options: OpenWebViewOptions) => Promise<any>

Open url in a new webview with toolbars

Param Type
options OpenWebViewOptions

Returns: Promise<any>

Since: 0.1.0


executeScript({ code }: { code: string; }) => Promise<void>

Injects JavaScript code into the InAppBrowser window.

Param Type
__0 { code: string; }


setUrl(options: { url: string; }) => Promise<any>
Param Type
options { url: string; }

Returns: Promise<any>

addListener('urlChangeEvent', ...)

addListener(eventName: "urlChangeEvent", listenerFunc: UrlChangeListener) => Promise<PluginListenerHandle>

Listen for url change, only for openWebView

Param Type
eventName 'urlChangeEvent'
listenerFunc UrlChangeListener

Returns: Promise<PluginListenerHandle>

Since: 0.0.1

addListener('closeEvent', ...)

addListener(eventName: "closeEvent", listenerFunc: UrlChangeListener) => Promise<PluginListenerHandle>

Listen for close click only for openWebView

Param Type
eventName 'closeEvent'
listenerFunc UrlChangeListener

Returns: Promise<PluginListenerHandle>

Since: 0.4.0

addListener('confirmBtnClicked', ...)

addListener(eventName: "confirmBtnClicked", listenerFunc: ConfirmBtnListener) => Promise<PluginListenerHandle>

Will be triggered when user clicks on confirm button when disclaimer is required, works only on iOS

Param Type
eventName 'confirmBtnClicked'
listenerFunc ConfirmBtnListener

Returns: Promise<PluginListenerHandle>

Since: 0.0.1


removeAllListeners() => Promise<void>

Remove all listeners for this plugin.

Since: 1.0.0


reload() => Promise<any>

Reload the current web page.

Returns: Promise<any>

Since: 1.0.0



Prop Type Description Since
url string Target URL to load. 0.1.0
headers Headers Headers to send with the request. 0.1.0
isPresentAfterPageLoad boolean if true, the browser will be presented after the page is loaded, if false, the browser will be presented immediately. 0.1.0
preventDeeplink boolean



Prop Type
url string
cache boolean


Prop Type Description
url string The URL of the cookie.
key string The key of the cookie.
value string The value of the cookie.


Prop Type
url string
includeHttpOnly boolean


Prop Type Description Default Since
url string Target URL to load. 0.1.0
headers Headers Headers to send with the request. 0.1.0
shareDisclaimer DisclaimerOptions share options 0.1.0
toolbarType ToolBarType Toolbar type ToolBarType.DEFAULT 0.1.0
shareSubject string Share subject 0.1.0
title string Title of the browser 'New Window' 0.1.0
backgroundColor BackgroundColor Background color of the browser, only on IOS BackgroundColor.BLACK 0.1.0
activeNativeNavigationForWebview boolean If true, active the native navigation within the webview, Android only false
disableGoBackOnNativeApplication boolean Disable the possibility to go back on native application, usefull to force user to stay on the webview, Android only false
isPresentAfterPageLoad boolean Open url in a new window fullscreen isPresentAfterPageLoad: if true, the browser will be presented after the page is loaded, if false, the browser will be presented immediately. false 0.1.0
isInspectable boolean Whether the website in the webview is inspectable or not, ios only false
isAnimated boolean Whether the webview opening is animated or not, ios only true
showReloadButton boolean Shows a reload button that reloads the web page false 1.0.15
closeModal boolean CloseModal: if true a confirm will be displayed when user clicks on close button, if false the browser will be closed immediately. false 1.1.0
closeModalTitle string CloseModalTitle: title of the confirm when user clicks on close button, only on IOS 'Close' 1.1.0
closeModalDescription string CloseModalDescription: description of the confirm when user clicks on close button, only on IOS 'Are you sure you want to close this window?' 1.1.0
closeModalOk string CloseModalOk: text of the confirm button when user clicks on close button, only on IOS 'Close' 1.1.0
closeModalCancel string CloseModalCancel: text of the cancel button when user clicks on close button, only on IOS 'Cancel' 1.1.0
visibleTitle boolean visibleTitle: if true the website title would be shown else shown empty true 1.2.5
toolbarColor string toolbarColor: color of the toolbar in hex format '#ffffff'' 1.2.5
showArrow boolean showArrow: if true an arrow would be shown instead of cross for closing the window false 1.2.5
ignoreUntrustedSSLError boolean ignoreUntrustedSSLError: if true, the webview will ignore untrusted SSL errors allowing the user to view the website. false 6.1.0
whitePanelMode boolean useWhitePanelMode: Android only. If true, the webview will override the system theme to show status bar and navigation bar in white color.
enableHardwareAcceleration boolean enableHardwareAcceleration: Android only. If true, the webview will use hardware acceleration to render the web content.
autoclosePatterns string[] autoclosePatterns: Whenever a URL matches any of the patterns, the webview will be closed automatically.
openSystemBrowserLinks string[] openSystemBrowserLinks: Android only: Whenever a URL matches any of the patterns, the webview will open the URL in the system browser.


Prop Type
title string
message string
confirmBtn string
cancelBtn string


Prop Type
remove () => Promise<void>


Prop Type Description Since
url string Emit when the url changes 0.0.1


Prop Type Description Since
url string Emit when a button is clicked. 0.0.1

Type Aliases


Omit<HttpCookie, 'key' | 'value'>


Construct a type with the properties of T except for those in type K.

Pick<T, Exclude<keyof T, K>>


From T, pick a set of properties whose keys are in the union K

{ [P in K]: T[P]; }


Exclude from T those types that are assignable to U

T extends U ? never : T


Construct a type with a set of properties K of type T

{ [P in K]: T; }


Omit<HttpCookie, 'key' | 'value'>


(state: UrlEvent): void


(state: BtnEvent): void



Members Value
ACTIVITY "activity"
NAVIGATION "navigation"
BLANK "blank"


Members Value
WHITE "white"
BLACK "black"
