- 0
- 4
- 1
LogicTreeNet Architectur
#27 opened by LexaNagiBator228 - 1
Bug: layer w/ max number of unique connections
#23 opened by ligerlac - 1
Cannot compile minimal model with one gate
#20 opened by ligerlac - 0
- 1
Bug with `PackBitsTensor` class
#16 opened by mahdizaferanchi - 1
"Patent pending"
#14 opened by chrsbats - 1
when I run model.eval(), the output of model are float numbers instead of integer numbers.
#13 opened by fireceW - 8
Support Problem:RuntimeError
#12 opened by YukunXue - 1
Resume training
#11 opened by LolaDeng - 1
difflogic can use for VAE ?
#7 opened by zdx3578 - 1
suggest paper DeepLogic
#8 opened by zdx3578 - 1
--packbits_eval error
#9 opened by zdx3578 - 4
import difflogic_cuda
#5 opened by ZhaoZiyu1998 - 2
Installation dependency package problem
#6 opened by HanXM715 - 6
Remove CUDA requirement
#4 opened by eloquentarduino - 4
Convert float input to bool in C
#3 opened by eloquentarduino - 4
Cannot install the package
#1 opened by zhuqunxi - 4
Cannot run due to installation issues
#2 opened by Filco306