A repo for FEAST debugging scripts for a test task (some feast tutorials are ported to Apache Hive offline store)

Starting local debug servers

Our sandbox has batteries included: we provide local Docker servers of Redis and Apache Hive. To start them, type

bash start_docker.sh

To stop, type

bash stop_docker.sh

Driver rating tutorial

feast_sandbox/driver_tutorial/download_data.py: downloads data table with driver data from BigQuery and stores it to repos/driver_parquet_repo folder as parquet file .

feast_sandbox/driver_tutorial/populate_hive_base.py: uploads previously downloaded data table to Apache Hive (driver_tuitorial database is created)

feast_sandbox/driver_tutorial/predict_driver.py: main tutorial script (predicts best driver from 5 given)

Fraud detection tutorial

A simplified version of normal fraud detection tutorial from Feast (we infer the AI model locally instead of sending model and features to Google AI platform)

feast_sandbox/fraud_tutorial/download_data.py: downloads data table with fraud data from BigQuery and stores it to repos/fraud_parquet_repo folder as parquet files.

feast_sandbox/driver_tutorial/populate_hive_base.py: uploads previously downloaded data table to Apache Hive (fraud_tuitorial database is created)

feast_sandbox/driver_tutorial/detect_fraud.py: main tutorial script (trains a classification model and predicts if a transaction is fraudulent)

TODO: port backfill_features function!

Credit rank tutorial

Not implemented yet. Maybe later : 3