Cloud Tracer

How to use

  1. Compile the cpp files in the src folder to an executable (the CMake config will work, but use whatever you want). If you don't want to use CMake just call
    clang++ -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS src/*.cpp -o dist/cloud_tracer.exe
  2. Create an output folder inside of the dist folder (Sorry somehow I could not get the .gitkeep to work)
  3. Copy any .xyz file into the dist folder
  4. Create / Adapt a scene file (like scene1.txt)
  5. Execute the executable from the dist folder passing the name of the scene file as command line arg (like cloud_tracer scene1.txt)
  6. Open the blender file viewer.blend and go to the scripting tab
  7. Execute the ReloadOutput script in blender

Open Questions

  • does the output look reasonable?
  • what is the exact xyz file interpretation?
  • where is "up" / right handed or left handed?

Known issues

  • Sample3DTexture crashes for some Seeds or SamplesPerPixel (Probably fixed now?)