
Library providing functionality to add usecases (interactors & observers) to your project.

Primary LanguageDartBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause

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Use-In-Case (UIC) Interactor

This library declares a base interactor interface aswell as a corresponding progress-interactor class. In order to use them there are quiet a lot of modifiers that can be used to do actions inside the invocation-flow of an interactor.

Interactor Types

Type name Parameterized Resulting
ParameterizedResultInteractor Yes Yes
ParameterizedInteractor Yes No
ResultInteractor No Yes
Interactor No No


How to call an interactor in your code:

// Define an interactor that does something. He must extend/implement a type mentioned above.
final class StringToIntConverter implements ParameterizedResultInteractor<String, int> {
    Future<int> execute(String input) async {
        return int.parse(input);

/// ...

// Create an instance of the interactor
final converter = StringToIntConverter();

/// ...

Future<int>  _ = converter.getOrThrow("123"); // Outputs: 123
Future<int?> _ = converter.getOrNull("not-a-number"); // Outputs: null
Future<int>  _ = converter.getOrElse("word", (_) => -1); // Outputs: -1
Future<void> _ = converter.run("123"); // Outputs: Nothing (void)
Future<void> _ = converter.run("word"); // Doesn't throw & returns void
Future<void> _ = converter.runUnsafe("123"); // Outputs: Nothing (void)
Future<void> _ = converter.runUnsafe("word"); // Throws exception
Method name Description
getOrThrow Calls the interactor and throws an exception if the interactor fails.
getOrNull Calls the interactor and returns null if the interactor fails.
getOrElse Calls the interactor and returns a fallback value if the interactor fails.
run Calls the interactor and ignores the result. Also this method does not throw.
runUnsafe Calls the interactor and throws an exception in case of a failure. The return type is void.


The core feature of uic-interactor is the ability to customize the invocation-flow of an interactor. This can be achieved by chaining multiple decorators to the interactor.

In the end your invocation-flow might look like this:

final result = stringToIntConverter
    .timeout(const Duration(seconds: 5))
    .before((input) => print("Trying to convert $input to string."))
    .after((output) => print("Successfully converted number to string. Result: $output"))
    .intercept((exception) => print("Failed to convert number to string. Exception caught: $exception"))
    .getOrNull("123") // Call the interactor with a parameter

// ...

Right now there are couple of decorators available:

Decorator name Description Workflow
after Adds a hook that is called after the interactor is executed. after
before Adds a hook that is called before the interactor is executed. before
watchBusyState Adds a hook that is called when the interactor starts & ends. busystate
eventually Adds a hook that is called when the interactor finishes. finally
intercept Adds a hook that is called when the interactor fails. catch
typedIntercept Adds a hook that is called when the interactor fails with a specific exception type. catch
log Times the operation and produces a message that can be displayed through logging library. log
map Converts the output of the interactor. map
recover Calls a given callback when an exception has been thrown. The callback must return a fallback output. recover
typedRecover Calls a given callback when a specific exception has been thrown. The callback must return a fallback output. recover
timeout Adds a timeout to the interactor. timeout

Order Matters

The graphic below shows in which order each decorator is going to append itself around the execution.

workflow visualization
    .intercept((exception) => print("Exception caught: $exception"))
    .before((input) => print("Interactor called with parameter = $input"))
    .after((output) => println("Output produced: $output"))
    .watchBusyState((isBusy) => println("Busy State: $isBusy"))

Declaring your own customizations

It is possible to write custom decorators that modify that invocation-flow of the interactor.

Examples can be found here.

extension CustomModifier<Input, Output> on ParameterizedResultInteractor<Input, Output> {
  ParameterizedResultInteractor<Input, Output> customModifier() {
    return InlinedParameterizedResultInteractor((input) {
      print("I am here!")
      return execute(input);

Progress Interactors

In some cases the interactor might need to publish progress information. Given a FileDownloadInteractor that downloads a file from the internet, it might look like this:

typedef SourceUrl = String;
typedef DestinationFilepath = String;
typedef Parameter = ({
  SourceUrl sourceUrl,
  DestinationFilepath destinationFilepath

typedef DownloadedBytes = int;
typedef DownloadProgress = int;

final class FileDownloadInteractor extends ParameterizedResultProgressInteractor<
    Parameter, DownloadedBytes, DownloadProgress> {
  Future<DownloadedBytes> execute(Parameter input) async {
    // TODO: Implement your file download here

    await emitProgress(0);

    // Download ...

    await emitProgress(100);

// ...

void main() {
    final downloadService = FileDownloadInteractor();

    final result = await downloadService
      .receiveProgress((progress) async {
        print('Download-Progress: $progress%');
        sourceUrl: 'https://example.com/image.jpg',
        destinationFilepath: 'image.jpg'


Just like the default interactor types written above, the ProgressInteractor provides a single method called onProgress which must be called before all other decorators. It gets called whenever the interactor wants to publish a progress-value to the caller. Due to API limitations it can only be registerd once in the method-pipe.

The naming-convention mirrors the previously declared interactors from above.

Type name Parameterized Resulting
ParameterizedResultProgressInteractor Yes Yes
ParameterizedProgressInteractor Yes No
ResultProgressInteractor No Yes
ProgressInteractor No No

An example might look like this:

    .receiveProgress((progress) => println("Downloaded ${progress}% of the file."))
    .timeout(const Duration(seconds: 30))
    .before((input) => println("Downloading file from ${input.sourceUrl} to ${input.destinationFilepath}."))
    .after((_) => println("Successfully downloaded file."))
    .intercept((exception) => println("Failed to download file. Exception caught: $it"))
    .eventually(() => println("Finished downloading file from."))
    .getOrNull(FileDownloadInteractorInput("https://example.com/file.txt", "/path/to/file.txt"))