RailTwin-Common (rtc) was tested with python 3.9 and anaconda environment. The requirements are given by the requirements.txt.
conda env create --file requirements.yml python=3.9
Windows: This module relies on spdlog. On Windows this is not available and needs to be installed separately. A version for python 3.9 was compiled and can be found on:
Linux: Use the spdlog version from pip. The anaconda package seems broken !
pip install pybind11 spdlog
All data will be read to a pandas dataframe with appropriate naming (see common.io._allowed_headers). This is a unified interface that can be used in your programming !
Normally operations should be carried out on the data to normalize it. See the options in IOOperations and header.py !
Currently, the RailTwin-Common supports the following formats for reading and writing.
# | Fileformat | read | write |
0 | *.ply | ✔️ | ✔️ |
1 | *.feather | ✔️ | ✔️ |
2 | *.laz | ✔️(1) | ❌ |
3 | *.xyz | ✔️(1,2) | ❌ |
(1) no metadata can be read (2) Format must be register, but reader is available
It is possible to register additional reader & writer by adding them to the common.io.registered_reader or the common.io.registered_writer dictionary.
common.io.registered_reader[".my_format"] = your_custom_read_function
common.io.registered_reader[".xyz"] = common.io.writer.csv.create_csv_reader(HeliosFormat)
RailTwin-Common uses spdlog for logging. The logger can be reused in any part of your code by:
logger = common.logger.RailTwinLogger.create()
Please see splog settings for more information
- RailTwin-Common comes with a tool to divide any supported infrastructure asset in subassets. This tool resides in utils track_divider.py
and can be called directly.
- RailTwin-Common provides some plot functions:
- plane_plot
- plot2d
- plot3d
Currently two helpful tools are supported: 1.) QuadIndex, which creates a way of indexing similar to a quadtree, without creating a new datastructure. This is usefull if tools should be applied a in a certain way (like a checkerboard with 1x1m tiles)
2.) TrackDivider, which splits a point cloud along the first pca vector. This is continued until a maximal given size is reaches. This tool might be useful to localize operation in certain orders for lengthily shapes (like railway tracks, roads, pipes).