1 - Install Docker and git
2 - Open a command console (cmd,bash)
3 - Clone the official-repo:
git clone https://github.com/Fag42/Blood-Cells-Classifier
4 - Go to app folder:
cd /Blood-Cells-Classifier/App
5 - Build the docker image:
sudo docker build -t ds4a2 . --no-cache
1 - Open a command console (cmd,bash)
2 - Go to app folder:
cd /Blood-Cells-Classifier/App
3 - Execute the Docker container
sudo docker run -d -p 80:8050 --name ds4a -v $(pwd):/var/www/app/ ds4a2 -c "gunicorn app1:server -b :8050 -t 1000"
4 - Go to webpage: localhost:80
5 - Enjoy
We have a demo application accessible from https://bloodcells.ddns.net (User: team14, Password: t34m14)
- Subject to server availability restrictions, ¡Feel free to try it!