There is an error with the permissons right now. If you give the app permissons through the settings it should work.


Download current App APK here



  • Very early in development, everything is subject to change.
  • Priority is basic functionality. Looks and everything else comes later.
  • An app which QUICKLY lets you decide what to do with specific kinds of data (mostly images).
  • Will be focused on Android 10 & 11
  • Birtplace of the app was here.

Planned features (in likly order of apperance):

  • Custom folder location
  • MultiFolder (+FolderGroup)
  • Toggle cut/copy
  • Different ways of sorting
  • Custom file support (likely no or limited preview)
  • Restore deleted (shit go back button)

Known Issues

  • Not fidning any Images in source folder (Permsiion Problem)

Feedback is appreciated. Please reach out to me!