
A game app that allows vulnerable people to ask for assistance from those who can help.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Side Quests

SideQuests is a web app which facilitates helping people in need, solving current world issues on a small scale with a fun fantasy theme. As an adventurer, you can pick a class, view what villager requests are available to you in your area, and complete them to earn badges, and level up your character. As a villager, you can post a request, and get the help of an adventurer in your area depending on the request type.

User Stories

  • As someone who was recently diagnosed with a contagious disease and who has no family living nearby, I need to ask for help to run daily errands so that I won't spread the disease around.
  • As someone who has mobility issues, I like to have a community of people who are willing to help me spontaneously.
  • As an able bodied person, I am free to run errands. When I go to the pharmacy, I like to see if I can't also get something for someone who is unable to do the same.
  • As someone who likes to do things right, I like to be able to ask details about the task that I'm asked to do.
  • As someone with a lot of free time, I like to spend some time helping those who are most in need in my area.
  • (stretch) As someone who still wants to pay for my own things, I like to be able to decide if my errand that I am asking for is free or if I will pay for it.

Getting Started

To get started, you must install the dependencies in both the back-end and the front-end, and then run them in parallel.

Getting the back-end ready:

  1. Go to the "back-end" directory and run npm install to install all the dependencies
  2. Create a psql database, e.g. create database sidequests; using the psql client
  3. Create a new psql user, e.g. create user quester; using the psql client
  4. Seed the database from the root directory \i back-end/db/db_setup (note: this will drop your db tables if they already exist)
  5. Make a copy of the .env.example, rename it to .env, and fill in the db config details
  6. Run npm run dev

Getting the front-end ready:

  1. Go to the "client" directory and run npm install to install all the dependencies
  2. Make sure the back-end is ready and running
  3. Run npm start
  4. Go to http://localhost:3000 and enjoy Side-Quests!


Front End

  • React
  • Scss
  • Bootstrap

Back End

  • Express.js
  • Node.js


  • PostgreSQL

Finished Product

About page:


Class selection & available quests:

pick class

All quests that have been accepted:

accepted quests

Progress for all classes:

class progress

User profile:

user profile

Villager view, create a new quest:

villager create

Villager's created quests:

created quests


POST /register Register new user
POST /login Login existing user
GET /users Get users
GET /users/:id Get data for user
GET /quests Get all the quests
POST /quests/:id/new Add a new quest
GET /quests/:id Get a single quest
PUT /quests/:id/edit Edit a quest
DELETE /quests/:id/delete Delete a quest
GET /badges Get all badges
GET /badges/:id Get a single badge
GET /classes Get all classes
GET /classes/:id Get a single class